Departure [End of Season 1]

After the quick exorcism, I was the declared the winner of the [Pack Wars]. Brock might've been possessed, but the [Judge of Duels] doesn't care about that. So, as per the deal, I put my boot in the unconscious Brock's mouth and have the Camp Sigma Phi guys under my control. The [Fairytale Ending Arena] continued without a hitch after that and using the [Curse Eater Staff], Nifa lifted everyone's curse.

While that's happening, I'm on my way to have a very important conversation with someone in one of the rooms of the mansion.

"You're awake," I say as I enter the door of a simple, but well-furnished room.

"Yes, but a bit hungry," Grace replies.

She's lost a lot of blood and had multiple slash wounds after the battle, but Adresin's healing magic closed them up without leaving a single scar.

"I brought you some food. Adresin said his magic uses your energy to heal your wounds."

"Ah... that's why I feel weak. Thanks."

She takes the bag from my hands as I sit on the stool beside the bed. It's filled with stall foods like hotdogs so it should bring her energy levels up fast.


"Hey, Grace..."


"I'm sorry..."

Sitting beside her like this, I can see how fragile she really is. How stupid. I should've been more protective.

She looks out the window where battles and festivities are still going on. The joyful clamor of the crowd reaches us even though we're in the third floor.

"My Dad... I was too young when I lost him. Many people said that he was one of the greatest [Explorers] that the Von Frederick family has ever produced but I honestly don't remember him much to know if that was true or not. But... there is one memory that somehow embedded itself deep in my mind and I still remember it to this day. It's a memory of him teaching me how to do a throw."

"It seems Liam has your Dad to thank for his face then."

"Hehe yes."

I'm glad that she's smiling. After what she's just been through, I was a worried that it might've traumatized her. I still remember when I first got stabbed... Not a pretty memory.

"Dad taught me martial arts and he would always say, 'Become strong to be others' strength'. He always looked at me with eyes full of pride and belief. But... when he and mom died, things changed. The branch families looked at me like I was a pawn they could use to advance their agenda and the friends I thought I had turned out to be two-faced liars sent by their parents to butter me up. As a result, Grandpa got really protective of me. He even wanted to ship me off to a distant country and hide there."

"That must've been tough..."

"It was... Then, the situation got worse when we discovered that I'm an [Anomaly]: a [Halfer] who have Fey traits but a body that can't connect with any of the four energies. From then on, no one ever looked at me the same way my Dad did. Even Grandpa only saw me as someone he must protect at all costs."

That's why Michael seemed desperate when I met him. This is more than just her age! If the sole heir of the family is deemed incompetent, it only makes sense that the only way for her to prevent a coup is to absorb a member of a powerful branch family to steer the ship. But it seems that the Von Sigmunds want it to be the other way around.

"But can't you use those fancy suits your Grandpa developed?"

She shakes her head.

"Those suits were designed by humans for humans. Even if I wear one, the suit won't register my genetics as compatible. The only exception to this are the acting suits since they're purely cosmetic in nature."

"Can't they design one just for your?"

"With what support?" she scoffs. "The Von Fredericks has turned weak so every effort to get me out of this mess was blocked. The Von Barbarosas and Von Sparrows are our only allies but they operate in the shadows and can't support us publicly."

I scratch my head in frustration.

"Your family's a fucking mess..."

"It is..." she chuckles sadly. "That's why it was a weird experience for me when I met you. For the first time in forever, someone looked at me like my Dad did. You didn't look at me with pity or selfish intentions but instead, you looked at me like an equal. Even though everyone else saw me as young, naïve, and powerless, you asked me what I wanted. Do you still remember my answer?"

"Heh. Of course! 'Inherit the Von Frederick name'."

"And you believed every single word. So much so that you even brought me into the <> and trained me. So please..."

Her expression turns to that of pain and sadness as she barely holds back her tears.

"Don't look at me with those eyes."

My heart aches. It's true... After I realized Grace's true condition, I started seeing her differently. Suddenly, she's no longer someone to train but rather someone I must protect.

"Fucking hell..." I scoff.

This girl... My wrong assumptions were actually what she's clinging onto this entire time? Fine. If that's the case, how about we make this prejudice a reality.


The rip in space appears and I take out a corked, fancy-looking bottle decorated with gold and jewels.

"Let me out!" the Satyr I caught earlier bangs his fists on the glass in resistance. "I am a godlike being of immense power! You can't just put me in this bottle!"

[Djinn's Bottle]

An empty bottle used to trap a Djinn from ancient times. Unbreakable in all aspects. Even an omnipotent being won't be able to escape it without outside help.

"What's that?" Grace asks curiously as she wipes her tears.

"A Satyr," I reply.

"That's right! I'm a proud Satyr and I will not be bound in this bottle. Now, let me out!"

I shake the bottle and it rattles around helplessly.

"Hey, don't be rude now and just answer my damn questions."

It gags as it holds back the vomit.

"First question: when you possessed Brock, he managed to use Druid spells even without spirits. How is that possible?"

"Go... ooof... fuck yourself."

I shake the bottle again and this time, he couldn't hold back and vomits from dizziness.

"This bottle's not ventilated you know. Neither does it have a drain so if you don't want to be covered in vomit, I suggest you answer."

"Fine! Fine!" it raises its hands in surrender. "Just don't shake it anymore! Please."

"Go on, then."

"A contract. I-I made a contract with the dumb wolf. He knew he couldn't beat that hot ogre chick so he made a contract with me to make him stronger."

"And let me guess, you made the contract unfair and tricked him into signing it."

"Th-that's right! Even someone as great as I can't posses someone without their consent. So after fiddling with the contract, I got the sweetest deal in the history of trade deals."

"And this contract... gave him the ability to use spells he otherwise can't?"

"Y-yes! Although it's different from person to person, if I link myself with the contracted, they can access either Mana or Aura with no problems."


"You heard that Grace? With this guy, you can use either Mana or Aura."

She looks puzzled and lost in thought.

"But Uncle... won't I become a [Demoniac] if I make a contract with it?"

"Hmph! Don't compare my contracts with those damn demons'! Yes, I do admit I make contracts to my advantage, but they don't taint my clients like demonic contracts do."

Yet another piece of information that's new to me.

[Divine Mind Activated]

[You deduce that the Satyr's words are true based on your experience with Brock.]

"You don't have to worry about that, Grace," I say to reassure her. "He's telling the truth."

"If you say so Uncle..."

"But we have to make sure that he doesn't mess around with the contract like he did with Brock."

"W-wait a minute!" the Satyr shouts. "When did we decide that I'll make a contract with this genetic defect?! I only choose the best of the best-"

I shake the bottle again which covers him in his own vomit.

"Look here, buddy. You can either play nice and be Grace's slave for the rest of her life or, I can cut off both of your horns so you can't return to your cave. Then, I'll let you go and we'll see how long you last in the physical world before you suffocate to death."

The Satyr covers his horns with his hands as if to defend it.

"H-how do you know that?!"

"Doesn't matter, but you do have a decision to make. Either you agree and live, or disagree and die."

He scoffs in defiance and says, "You say all that but if I die, the girl won't have a chance in using any of the 4 energies."

I shrug.

"Maybe. But if someone like you is making contracts with mortals, I'm sure that there are other magical creatures out there who are doing the same. Perhaps... even the Unicorns?"

His face turns to a grimace as I mention the archenemy of the Satyrs.

"Fucking hell... you're not human..."

"Never said I was," I reply. "Now, what's your reply?"

He thinks for a bit and after sighing, he says, "Fine... Mortals don't live long anyway. What's 80 years or so of my life if it means I don't get on your bad side?"

"Good! A fine choice!"

"But I do have one condition! If you promise to keep it, I will be her obedient slave until she dies."

"You're really in no position to negotiate but sure, I'll hear you out."

He motions for me to put the bottle near my ear so he can whisper his request.


Interesting... Veeeeeery interesting. I can't help but feel a grin appear on my face.

"You got yourself a deal," I reply happily.

After my visit with Grace, I go out to look for Nifa. The excitement is dwindling as the battles come to a close. The festivities are still going though so people are choosing to relax while eating from the stands.


A familiar voice calls to me from behind. It's Brock. He kneels in front of me along with his subordinates.

"I am grateful to you for freeing me from that dreadful monster," he says. "I don't remember what happened but the [Pack Wars] must be honored. As such, I, along with Camp Sigma Phi, will forever follow your lead as the True Alpha"

[Congratulations! You received your first followers]

[Divinity Rank F ----> E]

[Your followers see you with respect and they believe in your strength]

My first followers huh? This doesn't feel bad at all. Maybe I should act the part more?

"Arise, Brock. You honor me with your words."

Following my command, they stand up in unison.

"Don't go acting high and mighty after showing me that shabby fight," Nifa appears with a disappointed look on her face.

"Hey, Nifa, I was looking for you!"

I then turn to the Sigma Phi bunch and shoo them away.

"Did you manage to life everyone's curse?"

"Just spit it out, Richard," she groans. "You always act like this when you want to ask me a favor."

"Haha, you know me so well."

I take out the bottle from my pocket and show it to her.

"I made a deal with this little guy. He'll grant Grace the ability to access either Mana or Aura in exchange for a teensy favor from me."

"Hey, it's the hot ogre chick. Can't believe you managed to score on this one."

Nifa takes the bottle and shakes it like a ketchup bottle.

"You should've killed it," she says, obviously annoyed.

"Now, now, waste not, want not as I always say," I chuckle.

"So you want me to train the kid so that her body can take the awakening when the contract is finalized?"

"As expected, you catch on quick!" I reply.

"Sigh... why can't you train her?" she asks. "You've already learned everything from me."

"I can't stay here, Nifa. Rocco said that I'm a wanted man and many powerful people are looking for the kid. If I stay here, this place will be constantly under attack."

She thinks for a bit. She's also a wanted person so she should know how annoying it is to deal with being chased. She's finally managed to find a place away from that so I'm banking on the fact that she'll decide what's best for her new oasis. Also, I know that leaving Grace in someone else's care is a bit risky but if it's with Nifa, I know that she'll be fine.

"What about the elf?"

"I'll stay behind, if you don't mind, Sir," Adresin chimes in. Apparently, he's been listening this entire time.

"Who said I was planning on bringing you along?" I chuckle.

"What?!" he exclaims in disappointment.

"If you leave, who's gonna teach the kid how to manage an organization?"

"That makes sense..."

Adresin's been a big help to me this entire time. When I first arrived here, he's the one who taught me everything that I've missed after getting stuck in the game. I know I nabbed him from Mammon almost without his consent, but he's become irreplaceable to me.

"So I'm training the Elf too, I'm assuming?" Nifa asks.

"He needs it, don't you think?"

"That's true..."

"Hey, I'm here you know!"

Ignoring his remarks, Nifa then pulls me aside.

"I need 6 months," she whispers.

"Fine by me," I reply.

"What will you be doing in the meantime?"

I take out the compass from my pocket and it's still pointing South-East.

"I'm gonna beat someone's gluttonous ass."