Divine Intervention [Start of 2nd Season]

The forest is teeming with life. Life that don't belong on this planet. To the strong, these creatures are opportunities for wealth and fame. However, for those who only seek a simple life, the forest is a deadly place.

"Hahahaha! Shoot it! Shoot it some more!"

The man is a veteran. Hardened by years of combat. His body is as big as his ego and the scars on his face prove that he's not someone you want to mess with. He found his prey: a bear cub separated from its parent. He's ordering his goons, three in total, to torment the poor creature with shots from their rifles. What a waste of magic bullets...

"Boss, what happens if the momma shows up?" the toothless goon voices his concern.

"Then we skin it! Hahahaha!" he laughs and takes a swig of alcohol from his canteen.

If only I was strong... I wouldn't have to pay these guys a single dime to get us through this goddamn forest. If only I had money to buy those fancy suits... If only... I wasn't human.

As these thoughts swirl in my head, a gentle, small hand grabs mine.

"You have that look again."

My wife. She's worried again. Why do I make those green eyes look at me with concern more often than I make them sparkle? Why is her blonde hair already sprouting threads of gray? And what's more, why is she concerned about me when she has to worry about herself and our unborn child?

"What look?" I chuckle.

I try to laugh it off but I know she sees through it. I just want to give her the world... But the world spat at me.

"Ey, you lovebirds!" the man shouts. "Keep up or we'll leave ya behind! Hahahaha"

His goons then follow his annoying laugh.

"Would you please slow down?" I protest. "My wife's six months pregnant. She can't walk faster than this."

"Honey, I'm fine," she quickly reassures me.

"No, Sylvia. We have to take care of your health," I reply firmly.

I then turn my attention back to the man.


He pauses, then takes a few slow steps toward me.

"Slow down?" he says. "Hehehe did you hear that boys?! Slow down he says!"


Fucking bastards... Is that all they know how to do? Laugh?

"Francis, please..." she grabs my arm and pleads me to stop. But how can I relent when they treat my wife's life like a fucking joke?

At that moment, the man grabs a shotgun from his back and hands it to me brusquely.

"Here ya go, mate!"


"Since you're so bossy, how about you lead us then?" he says with a giant smirk on his face. "If you have the balls to tell us [Explorers] what to do, surely, you have the balls to shoot this gun at a monster."

"Hahahaha! A wimp shooting a gun?!"

"His arm's probably gonna get blown off! Hahaha"

They're laughing again...

"Francis, please calm down," she pleads again but I can't stand it anymore.

These past few days, they led us in a pace that exhausted my wife. Then, they deliberately attract monsters to get their daily quota of monster parts. They're supposed to be protecting us yet they caused us more grief and anxiety than help! What the hell did I pay these bastards for?

"Fine," I say through gritted teeth.

I feel out the shotgun in my hands. It's heavy. The darkened double-barrel and scratched body show that it's been heavily used.

"Oho! Look at 'im go," he chuckles. "Trying to act cool in front of your wifey?"

Without responding, I simply brush past him and take my place in front of the group. It must be so adorable for them to see a total amateur play [Explorer], but if it means that my wife can at least take a breather, I'll take any humiliation.

"Ey boss! The cub's back for more!" one of the goons shout for joy.

The cub looks angry. It stands on its hind legs as it raises its arms to threaten us.

"Aww look at 'im, hahaha," the man mocks the bear. "Good timin'! Hey leader, go on and shoot it."

His dirty paw roughly pushes me towards the cub.

"Can't we just ignore it?" I reply.

"Hey, hey, I thought you wanted to lead?"

Now he's uncomfortably close to my face. Even though I have a gun in my hands, he still sees me as someone he can just intimidate.

"Yeah mate! Just shoot it! Hehe."

Now his goons are joining in.

Fucking hell... Fine, let's get this over with.

With annoyed determination, I aim the shotgun at the cub. It's still fearlessly intimidating us. So you don't see me as a threat too huh? Even though I'm literally aiming a deadly weapon at you.

"I guess if I was in your position, I won't either," I chuckle to myself as I find my hands shake.

"Hahaha! Look at this pussy!" the man probably notices my hesitation and proceeds to mock me again.

"Hahaha yeah! He can't even shoot an itty bitty cub!"

"Just give it to me," he impatiently grabs the shotgun from my hands and approaches the cub.

"What are you doing?!" I ask in alarm.

Is he seriously gonna shoot a wild animal at point blank range?

"Relaaaax you fucking pussy," he replies and cocks the shotgun. "See how a professional does it."

I take Sylvia in my arms and cover her eyes. She doesn't have to see this barbarian do something so cruel.

"Now, little teddy bear. Let's see how your brains paint the tree over the-"



What just happened?

It was quiet like a peaceful night near the beach.

One moment he was about to shoot the cub and the next his head is near my feet. Do humans really have that much blood inside them? It's practically gushing out like a fountain.


The savage roar of his killer wakes me up from my shock.

"It's the momma bear!" one of the goons shout in horror.

"This don't make sense! Boss' an [Explorer]! A normal bear can't kill 'im with one hit!"

The creature that they dubbed as "momma bear" is a 12 ft. behemoth that towers over all of us. It's licking the blood from its paws as if it is sweet to it.

"What are you doing?!" I shout to the ones who're left. "Can't you fight it?"

"Hell nah man!" one of them shouts.

"Yeah, you're on your own!"

Then, with inhuman speed, they turn tail and run.

Bad mistake.

The bear notices its preys rush off and gives chase.

It's fast!

It easily catches up as the trees give way as its heavy body crashes into them.


I could hear their horrified cries of pain from a distance.

"Francis! Wh-what's happening?!" Sylvia shouts. I forgot that I'm still covering her eyes.

"Whatever you do, don't look behind me," I whisper. "Can you run?"

She nods.

"Good. I'll distract the bear while you run and hide."

"But what about you?! Francis, I can't continue without you."

"Sh, sh, it's ok. I'll definitely come back to get you."

"O...okay. I love you."

I kiss her on the forehead.

"I love you too. Now go! Don't look back!"

Then we part ways.

I don't know why I promised all of that to her since I'll probably die here.

Gods, if you exist, please let someone find her and take her to safety.

Ignoring the cub, I grab the shotgun and bolt deeper into the forest, away from Sylvia. I probably have a couple of seconds before the momma bear comes for me so I gotta get a good head start. The cub starts chasing me as if copying what its mother has done. It's making a terrible noise like a door hinge that needs a lot of oil.

"Go away!" I shout as I throw a rock at it.

It doesn't even flinch, Pretty brave now that your momma's here huh?



I could feel the ground rumbling and trees cracking. I know I shouldn't, but the dread is making my head turn towards my assailant. And there it is: a 200 ton force of destruction barreling towards me. Its fur is caked with fresh blood. I guess the goons didn't make it.

"Come at me you bear bitch!"

I pull the trigger.

The gunshot echoes throughout the forest and my ears ring in pain as the recoil makes me stumble through roots and brush.


At least the shot blew up a couple of trees. I doubt it got the bear but at least it slowed it down. Gods bless the <>.

Finding my bearings, I begin to sprint through the forest again. It seems that the last shot dislocated my right shoulder so I'm literally down to my last bullet and my last arm.

My lungs are burning and my legs have gone numb. Where's that bear? Nowhere. Did it give up after that shot?

As hope begins to rise from my heart, the sad reality, in the form of a giant paw, swipes at me from the side. I try to dodge but its powerful swing grazes me and I find myself hurtling towards a nearby tree.


The wind escapes my lungs as my back hits the rough bark.

Fuck! How did I not hear it?

As I desperately gasp for air, grasping the fading threads of life, I could feel something wet run down my cheek. Ah... my ears are bleeding...

The bear slowly approaches me and sniffs me out.

"Bastard... you look happy..." I groan weakly as breathe my final resistant words. "If I'm gonna die anyway... might as well take you with me."

Using every ounce of my strength, I point the gun towards its face.

Its face turn from happiness to horror at the sight of the barrel and tries to jump before I pull the trigger.

A loud crash, like thunder echoes one final time. The shotgun flies from my hand and my arm goes limp.

Then... blood.

Not mine to my surprise.

The proud bear shoots me a deadly glare. I didn't blow up its head but its jaw is completely shattered. Its bare and naked tongue awkwardly dangles as it licks the blood from its mouth.

"Hahahaha...." I couldn't help but chuckle at this development. "You... chased us because you were hungry... and now... you won't be able to eat for the rest of your life. *Cough* Ironic..."

The bear, as if understanding my taunts, raises its gargantuan paw for one final strike.

Sylvia... I wish I could've been a better husband...

I close my eyes to accept my fate.

But it doesn't come...

Is this what dying feels like? I thought it would be more painful.

Sensing no danger, I weakly open my eyes.

Then, that's when I see... him.

His red hair shimmers against the rays of the sun. His sharp, golden eyes hide their intensity behind the glint of his glasses. His cloak flutters in the wind as his boots step on the carcass of the monster that was just seconds away from taking my life.

He takes a bite of an apple then his mouth moves. "Whew! That was close. Good thing you're a poor shot. Those pellets would've ruined the meat."

He's saying something but I can't hear anything...

I'm tired...

But I'm ok with this final memory.

The memory of seeing a god...