Another Secret

Early in the morning, Fauzan was already in front of Jessica's house. Bringing a bucket of flowers and dolls and chocolates that have been Jessica's favorites for a long time.

   He was just about to knock on the door, but the large object that separated the inside and outside of the house was opened.

   "Eh Fauzan, what's wrong, son? You don't work?" asked Alin who had just come out of the house still in his casual clothes.

   "Ah, this is Mother, I want to give this to Jessi. Please say goodbye to starting her apprenticeship," answered Fauzan with his never-ending manners.

   "Oh, you want to meet Jessi? You don't have to come in, how come she's in her room," said Alin then invited Fauzan to come in while he was out and fulfilled his intention to water his pet's plants.

    For Fauzan himself, it was no longer a strange thing when he had to enter Jessi's room. Do not do anything other than wake the woman up or just say goodbye to doing activities.