Second Papa

 Argan got out of his car after arriving at the location that Jessi had sent via text message. His eyes wandered around observing the surroundings which had cool air even though the sun was overhead.

 He took off his sunglasses and tucked them into his very wide jacket pocket.

 His feet started to walk past several crew members who were gathered together as if they were resting. There was also lunch there. Argan greeted them with a smile and continued walking again.

 "Daddy!" Argan's gaze shifted to the source of the voice that had just called out to him. For some reason he immediately thought that it was Jessica, even though if he really thought about it, it was very unlikely.

 But, his ears are so familiar with the voice of a woman who he always considered a child. Argan smiled faintly and walked over to Jessi who was waving her empty hand. While the other still holding a pile of paper containing a script that he still had to memorize.