Drop Of

 At ten o'clock in the evening Fauzan just got home after going from court to the office to finish his work so that tomorrow can take a few days off.

 His brow furrowed when he opened the bedroom door, there were already two other men there playing games without their owners. Really feel if this is their own home and room.

 "Boss is really late at night. What's the case today?" asked Daneo casually when the door opened and put Fauzan into a dark room with no lights other than the television light.

 Fauzan put down his bag and took off his coat, putting it in his usual place. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt before joining them.

 "Why didn't you tell me you were here?" he asked because he had not received any news of the arrival of his two friends to his house.

 "We're too lazy. So, just come right away. I thought you were at home," Daneo answered again while looking at the television screen, afraid of being missed by Satria.