Old School

 Starting with Daneo's motorbike, then Satria and Rere's motorbike and finally Fauzan's car, they entered the school yard which looked deserted because it seemed that they were still in their respective classes. However, it is still for those who hear the loud sound of vehicle engines, even though they are in the classroom, it will immediately become a spectacle.

 Still memorized by the location of the school, they realized that they immediately parked their vehicles neatly. Don't let the intention to brag turn around to embarrass yourself.

 After they finished parking their respective vehicles, all of them then gathered again in front of Fauzan's car. Pay attention to how the school is now. Totally different from how they used to be.

 "It's really good now. The feeling when we were in school was not like this," Daneo chuckled in awe of the neat building that looks luxurious and majestic.