The six of them were now sitting neatly on the sofa in the teacher's room. They were greeted with joy by the teachers. Maybe there are some teachers who don't really know them because they are new teachers. But, for senior teachers, they welcome them with pleasure.

 "Where have you been? You don't even remember the teacher," said Mrs. Hapsari in her Sundanese language that never goes away. One of the best teachers they remember at this school.

 "Not forgetting, Miss. We're busy planning a bright and glorious future. Isn't that what Mother used to say?"

 "Alah, you are the future, the future. I can't believe it," said the bass voice of a middle-aged man with thin glasses who had been monitoring them.

 Daneo was immediately silent when he received a reply from one of the teachers. He then sat near Daneo who happened to have an empty seat there. Add to that makes Daneo nervous.