His own

" Hi Mamito." Annabel said the moment she crawled into their room. She had barely seen the others except during meal times. She ached to have a long conversation with them just like the old times.

" I can see you only missed your Mamito." Number 1 scorned and moved back to her previous position, twisting her lips with her hands on her waist.

" I'm sorry guys. I really missed you all.' She replied and sent them a smile. ' Waw you all look so good today." She teased.

" We always look good, you just barely see us." Number 4 replied and chuckled softly.

" I'm sorry guys. I have just been so busy." She lied. She was not doing anything important but since preferred to stay up in the room since she could have all she wants.

" Little child." Number 2 screamed loudly, showing an hint of happiness in her voice. She hadn't noticed Annabel walking in as she was busy. She moved closer to her and wrapped Annabel into her arms.