The disease

" Are you okay? Did I scare you?" He asked, the moment he walked in and saw her face widen in shock. He wondered what was going on with her and why she had been acting strange lately.

Did something bother her?.

  It was unlike Annabel to get scared by anything. He didn't even sense this much fear in her when she was tied to a tree in the woods.

" I'm fine Master." She replied and adjusted the towel wrapped around her chest. It would be so embarrassing for her if it fell.

" Oh! Sorry. Guess I came in at the wrong time. I should have knocked." He said and stepped back a little to make his way out.

" Hmm. It's fine Master." She replied even though she wasn't comfortable dressing up in front of a man. He wasn't just any man but a man whom had kissed her countless times.

What if he tried to do something stupid to her? What if he tried....