The Dragon and the Siren by StrawberryCatBeans (ATLA)

*I read it through this link, but if you want lemons the author also posted on other sites*

Latest update:COMPLETE

Summary:Zutara, Hades x Persephone inspired. In a land of gods and spirits, Katara is the daughter of the Sea, and Zuko is the powerful and reclusive God of the Fire Realms. Zuko has been pining for her for too long... so he finally takes action.


Word count:137k



A long time ago, the world was in chaos. The elements raged against one another, and the Earth itself trembled against the fury that the gods unleashed against their enemies. The older gods were hard and cruel, and humankind's fate lay in their hands. They were not kind to mortals, using them for their whims and spreading destruction and misery for their own amusement. To them, the entire world was nothing but their playground.

One of the most powerful elder gods of all was Ozai, the god that ruled over the Fire Nation. He was a sadistic and despotic god, thriving on the bloodshed and chaos of the seemingly endless war. He led his allies in a rampage that caused the Earth itself to cry out in pain. It seemed that he would eventually destroy the world with his unquenchable fire, having already killed his father in his thirst for power.

But a new order of gods rose, one that stood up against the tyranny of the old order. Ozai's son, Zuko, aided by the other gods who wanted the chaos to end, rose against the Fire Lord and the other elder gods and brought them down. To do this, the younger Fire God challenged his sire to an Agni Kai, a most ancient and sacred rite of the Fire Nation, and defeated him.

Before Ozai was finally destroyed, he scarred his son's face, and since it was a mark left by a god, he was unable to remove it. Thus, he was branded for his immortal life and would bear the mark as a symbol of his courage. But what mattered to the younger Fire God – and the others – was that the reign of terror was over.

This new order established itself in the world, and one god was appointed to each of the elements, so they could all work together in harmony and keep their nations in balance. Pakku, the God of the wintry Northlands, was appointed as the head of the clan of Water Gods, and he was a stern but fair man. The deities of Air appointed Gyatso of the Autumn Winds as their leader, for he was wise and kind. The Earth clan chose Bumi, guardian of the mighty Earth Kingdom of Omashu as their representative, for, despite his madness, he was a brilliant man with a good heart. The Fire Council was torn between Iroh and Roku, for both men were strong and of good character, filled with wisdom and having excellent control over their inner fire. Iroh conceded to Roku without the least bit of argument so that he could assist his nephew.

Zuko took the throne of the Fire Nation, with Iroh as his adviser, and isolated himself from the others. His land lay far to the east and to the west of known lands, becoming known as the Empire Where the Sun Rises and Sets, an oddly befitting name for the kingdom whose element drew its power from the Sun itself. Over the years, the isolation of his lands grew. He appeared rarely, and his land became almost a legend, one whispered among the mortals in other parts of the world.

The Fire Lord seemed content in his self-imposed solitude… so much so, that no one ever suspected he might be lonely.


The Mountain of the Deities was located in the figurative center of the world, nestled snugly in the mountain range southwest of the mighty city of Ba Sing Se. Its peak rose high into the clouds, which appealed to the Gods of the Air. Being a mountain, it pleased the Gods of the Earth. It was near the ocean and had several springs and streams of its own, which suited the Water Gods. And since the mountain was also a volcano, the Fire Gods found it acceptable. It was a neutral ground for all of them and was also used as a gathering place. Summits and meetings were held here, and before one could set foot in this sacred place, they had to take a vow that they would not raise arms against anyone else as long as they were here. Any and all arguments were to be meditated and discussed peacefully.

It was Katara's first time here. She gazed around in wonder at the variety of deities, and the clouds that surrounded the mountain. She had never seen a place like this, and it was her first time away from the ocean. But the reassuring grip of her father's hand around hers soothed the little Water Goddess. She had reached her seventh summer, and Hakoda, the God of the Seas, knew that it was time to take her to the Gathering. She would meet the other gods and acquaintance herself with them, and in time, take her place in the pantheon of deities that watched over this world.

Sokka trailed behind his father, already bored. He would rather be practicing with his boomerang or spear, or racing across the waves with his fellow Warriors than listen to elder gods make chitchat. Pakku would probably want to test his Waterbending, but honestly, Sokka felt much more comfortable with his weapons or bare hands.

Hakoda brought her before Pakku, who was head of the clan of Water Gods. The little girl looked up at the snow-haired man. He looked stern, and he regarded her silently. His cloak was of thick white fur to match his long hair, and his eyes were a steely blue-gray. He was respected and feared, the Old Man of the North, as the mortals were apt to call him. He could bring about fierce storms or great blizzards, and sailors who had incurred his wrath would find their ships frozen in the middle of the ocean, even on a pleasant day. With a sweep of his cloak, he could summon droves of snow or biting winds.

But when he looked down at the little Water Maiden before him, his eyes softened. Her eyes were bright and clear, and she regarded him curiously.

"Come, little one. It's been a while since I saw you." Pakku stated, and Hakoda nudged forward. Katara approached her grandfather, stopping just a pace before him. He smiled faintly as he looked down at his granddaughter. He had seen her Waterbending skills the last time he had paid a visit to the Sea God, and this girl was a worthy addition to the clan.

Meanwhile, the Fire Lord was averting his eyes from the sight of his uncle and the raven-haired goddess that was at the moment stroking his sideburns.

"Uncle, if you really must get frisky, can't you at least do it in private?" Zuko asked peevishly as he sipped his wine.

"Do you want to see how… frisky we can get?" Jun replied with a smirk, clearly enjoying making the young Fire God uncomfortable. Iroh simply chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with merriment as he looked up at his companion. She was a lovely goddess, of pale skin and raven hair, and he was pleased to be the object of her affections.

Iroh had been rather dashing in his youth, yet he allowed his outer appearance to age to reflect his wisdom. Despite that, he was still rather handsome and beguiled the ladies easily. He had an easygoing and pleasant personality that charmed goddesses and mortal women alike, and he chuckled as Jun playfully tugged at his sideburn in a gentle manner.

"I dare say that my heart is not the only one you have laid claim to, Jun." Iroh teased, earning another smirk from the dark-haired goddess.

"Indeed, but your heart is the only one worth keeping." she shot back, and Zuko did not bother holding back a groan of disgust. The goddess looked over at him in mild irritation.

"If you're so bothered, why don't you sit elsewhere? Or go back to your volcano and brood? Or better yet, why not find a woman for yourself? You certainly could use a release for your tension – I can feel it from here!" she jibed at him. He narrowed his eyes to slits and glared at her venomously.

Unlike many of the other gods, Zuko was not amorous or oversexed. His uncle attracted more women than him. For some reason, the opposite sex did not hold the fascination that it did for so many men – and he was not quite sure why. Perhaps it was because he had no desire to be pawed at and cooed over, or deal with the fickle moods that many women had, or to have a woman admire him merely for his godhood, and not who he was. Whether the reason, he was termed as silent and brooding, and no Fire Maiden brave or curious enough to approach the Lord of the Fire Realms had broken through this shell.


Katara was a curious little girl, and it did not take her too long to break away from her father and brother. There were different people at the gathering, gods of all ages and kinds. The number of gods in this world was not too many – closer to fifty than a hundred, but the multitudes of colors and appearances almost overwhelmed her.

There were people with wings that were soft and feathery, unlike her gossamer webbed ones. They were dressed in soft robes of orange and yellow, and she shot them shy and curious glances. She knew who they were, the Gods of Air, but she had never actually met one before. Some of them gave her friendly smiles, for it was hard to not find delight in an innocent little blue-eyed girl who was clearly curious of her world.

The building that had been erected for this purpose had an open layout, marble pillars holding up the roof. The walls were decorated with colorful murals of all four elements, a variety of artistic styles represented in the work. Comfortable furniture was set about the expansive space, and tables here and there laden with all sorts of delicacies from the four nations. She slowly wandered along the walls, examining the art. The Water Tribe art was easy to identify, but what caught her attention was the paintings done by Roku, himself a skilled artist. It was so different from the style the Tribe usually used, and she could not help but admire the flowing lines and intricate details.

"Do you like the art?" she heard someone ask. She turned around to see a man looking down at her, clad in regal-looking robes of green and black silk edged with gold. His long hair was pulled back in a thick, smooth plait, and on his face was a neatly-trimmed beard and mustache.

"Very much so."

"Then let me show you something else." Katara allowed herself to be led by this man to another wall, this one done by the hands of the Earth Gods. While some of the art depicted various traditions or stories of the four nations, others showed scenes of the Great War. She followed the man's pointed finger to a scene of Earth and Water Gods fighting Fire Warriors.

"Your father and I allied together and defeated a large regiment of Fire Warriors led by Zhao."

Katara stiffened at the mention of Zhao's name, for the Fire God had killed her mother among several other water-gods. The man did not miss this and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Zhao met his end at the hands of your father. Though the Fire Warriors were many, your Tribe has many fine warriors, and combined with the might of my Dai Li, Zhao's men did not stand a chance. And then, finally..." He gestured to a new scene, which depicted Zhao himself in the grip of a fish-like monster. "The mighty Spirit of the Ocean came forth to avenge the death of Hakoda's mate and his own, and the Spirit had his vengeance upon Zhao for the many evils that he did."

Katara nodded mutely. She knew of this story, yes, but she had never heard it told by anyone else than within her Clan.

"I saw the Ocean Spirit with my own eyes, and the sky turning black when his mate was slain. It was a glorious and frightening sight. Of course, Yue sacrificed herself to become the new Moon Goddess. But I doubt I need to recite the history of the Water Gods, hmm?" he asked with a smile. She smiled back shyly and shook her head. Yue was her cousin.

"What about them?" She pointed to a group of men that appeared to be garbed in black.

"These are the Dai Li, blessed with the strength of the Earth. When the Moon went dark, they helped to protect the Northern City's mortals when the Fire Warriors tried to slaughter the Water Tribes. They also kept Ba Sing Se safe when the she-demon Azula tried to destroy it."

"Who are you?"

"Do forgive me for not introducing myself, my dear. I am Long Feng."

"The God of Ba Sing Se?" Her father had mentioned the Earth God a few times in the stories of the War. She knew that Long Feng had fought alongside her father, as had Gyatso and Iroh. Ozai had been a threat not only to the other nations but his own.

"The one and only." He leaned down. "Ba Sing Se has many glorious sights. Perhaps one day you would honor me with a visit?"

Katara tilted her head to one side, looking up at him as he smiled down at her. Before either of them could speak, she felt Bato's hand on her arm as he gently pulled her away. As the older Water God led her away, he looked over his shoulder at Long Feng with his mouth set in a grim line. The Earth God scowled back for a moment.

Under her father and Bato's watchful eyes, Katara ate a dumpling from one of the tables, trying to figure out just how it could be so spicy. It was a Fire Nation recipe, and she had never tasted pepper or curry before. As she occupied herself with the treat, Bato looked at his best friend.

"Even so young, Katara is very beautiful. Already men have taken notice." Bato whispered. Hakoda nodded slowly. One day, Katara would be as beautiful as her mother. He had hesitated to take her to this Gathering but knew he could not hide her away forever. Under proper supervision, she could learn more about the world and the gods that ruled it without being taken advantage of or getting in trouble. During the War, Fire Warriors and Gods often delighted in taking young women against their will, whether they be nymphs or mortal, for their pleasure.

Hakoda wished his mate were still alive. But that didn't mean he couldn't be a good parent, and he would do his damnedest to keep his little girl safe. When she caught him looking at her, Katara smiled innocently, and Hakoda returned it with a warm grin of his own.


It was Aang's first time at a Gathering as well. He would meet other gods, and hopefully some his age. He often played with the children of the mortal Air Nomads that lived in the Air Temples, but he was capable of far more than they were, and he often longed for a suitable playmate that could match his speed and agility.

He was perched in a tree, looking around at the gathering as he took note of all the colors and the different gods. Each god's affiliation was easy to identify from the color of the clothing that he or she wore. His eyes fell on a blue and white-clad girl that was wandering among the people and finishing off a dumpling. She seemed no older than him, and she appeared to be a bit lost. Her wings were translucent, pale silvery-blue gossamer, and he had never seen such vibrant azure eyes. He smiled to himself and spread his feathery wings.

Katara had managed to get away from the other gods and looked down the mountain at the forests and the ocean that spread out before her. Her father would probably scold her for wandering away from the Water clan, but she was curious and wanted to see it all. She gasped in surprise when she felt someone land beside her, and she looked over to see a boy about her age, with pale, creamy skin and white wings that were tinged with hues of pale gold and peach. He had the biggest grey eyes she had ever seen, and he smiled at her.

"Hi, my name is Aang." the boy said, not showing any shyness at all. He had an innocent smile, and it made her feel as light as air. She smiled back at him, and when he offered her his hand, she took it.


The raven-haired goddess of the Hunt was now whispering what were most likely naughty words into Iroh's ear, and he reclined on the cushions, a pleased smile on his face as he sipped his tea.

Zuko held back a hiss of disgust. His sullen demeanor, and the large mark on his face, did not make him very easily approachable to women, and he preferred it that way. He wanted to be in his volcano, meditating or enjoying a book, or taking a walk. Why couldn't his uncle come here by himself? It seemed that the other gods did not need the younger Fire God around. But Roku and Uncle insisted that he make an appearance.

He reached for some grapes from a platter of fruit, absent-mindedly popping one after another in his mouth. As he chewed on the grapes, he stretched out his wings and flexed them. With a seemingly disinterested gaze, his eyes moved along the gathering. The area was spacious, and the gods freely mingled with one another, having no boundaries here on this mountaintop. He glanced over at Pakku, sitting there in his flowing white cloak, speaking with the Ocean God. There was loud laughter coming from his left, probably from one of the odd jokes that Bumi was apt to tell. Roku was with the Air Gods, talking with them.

The young Fire God understood that the gatherings were supposed to be a way for the gods to touch base with each other on neutral ground and remember their alliance and how much they had in common with one another despite their different elements. But right now it looked more like a party. He didn't like parties. He was always uncomfortable at such gatherings, where there was chattering and revelry because it was impossible for him to ever... feel part of it.


The young Water Maiden laughed as she ran across the paved rock, eluding the boy that was chasing after her. Their game brought amused smiles to some of the older gods, who felt refreshed at seeing two such carefree children at play. The War was still fresh in their minds, and they knew of Hakoda's loss, for his wife had been slain by Zhao, a god whose viciousness was rivaled only by Ozai or his bloodthirsty daughter Azula. This beautiful young Goddess, thanks to Zhao, would grow up without a mother.

Many of the gods had suffered similar losses, losing siblings, parents, mates, or children to the onslaught that had been spearheaded by Ozai. Gods were by nature immortal and could not be killed by mortals, but if a god was strong or crafty enough, they could destroy another deity. The actions of the mad Fire God still reverberated through the memories of those that had survived his carnage, and as long as this fact remained, it was a powerful deterrent to another war.

Katara was having such fun with her new playmate that she did not realize where she was going. Both of them had managed to stay out of the way of their elders thus far, but as children are wont to do, they lost track of what they were doing in their fun. And she did not see her error until a fraction of a second too late. She was moving at such a speed aided by her wings, that she was unable to slow down quickly enough before colliding with her unintended target.

All the Fire Lord saw was a tan and blue blur, before he felt a small body collide into the sofa that he was reclined on. This missile was accompanied by a soft cry, and the thing squirmed and scrambled about to get itself upright, ending up partially on his lap as a result. He started slightly when he gazed into its eyes. Never had he seen a clearer or vibrant shade of blue eyes, and he was fixed by them for a moment before it broke the gaze. When it did, he took a chance to study their owner. It – or rather, she had dark brown hair and the deep tan skin that was representative of the Water Clan.

The girl scrambled off the sofa, and he noted gossamer wings on her back. They seemed almost paper-thin and shone silvery-blue in the sun. The wings seemed so beautiful and delicate, as opposed to his own thick and leathery ones.

"I… I'm sorry. Many apologies." the girl said, looking down as she said so. He noticed a young Air God a short distance away, looking at the situation with concern as he hesitantly approached with slow steps.

"No need to be afraid. No one was hurt, and it was an accident. Children will play." Iroh chuckled as he looked down at the girl, offering a kind hand.

Katara stared up at the Fire Gods, her attention on the older one. He seemed so kind, and his broad smile put her at ease. Tentatively, she took his proffered hand and he tugged at it, drawing her closer.

"It's okay. You need not be afraid of us, little Maiden. Here, we are all friends. You are the daughter of Hakoda, yes?" he asked. She nodded.

"I am Iroh, uncle to the one you nearly collided in," he stated, but his tone remained pleasant and cheerful. She had expected him to chide her. The other Fire God remained taciturn, and she was rather intimidated by him. She could feel his intent gaze on her.

"Come, Zuko…" Iroh coaxed, "Say something to her. You aren't truly angry with her, are you?"

The Fire Lord stared at the girl in his uncle's lap. He generally had no patience for children, but he could not stay angry when he looked in the girl's eyes.

'It was an accident. Think no more of it.' the Fire Lord was about to say dismissively, but when he looked at Katara, he felt that spot deep within him give another stirring. Gently, he reached out to take her small hand and squeeze it.

"It's okay. Accidents happen. Don't worry about it, and enjoy yourself," he stated simply before looking down at his wineglass, taking a swig of the deep crimson liquid after letting go of her hand.

"Now, how about some tea?" Iroh asked cheerfully. Zuko had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Mortals prayed to Iroh when they wanted to ensure the success of their tea ceremonies or to make sure the plants they used for tea were healthy with good flavor. The Maiden looked up at him curiously as he gently slid a cup into her small hands, and she sipped at it.

"Is it to your liking?" Iroh asked. She nodded shyly. Zuko could not help but glance at her again. Her eyes met his and this time, she held her gaze. He did not smile at her, but he did not give her a sour expression either. For some reason, he was not bothered by the young Goddess's stare. Iroh's companion cooed and stroked the girl's hair, giving her a friendly smile.

"Katara!" Hakoda called out. The Fire Gods and the pair of children glanced over at the god that was fast approaching them. The girl broke away from Iroh as Hakoda raised his hand in a beckoning gesture, the young Air God following them. As she returned to her father, she glanced over her shoulder at the Fire Lord. The gaze was held for a few moments, and he felt strangely empty when she looked away.

Under a tree nearby, the blind Goddess sat quietly in meditation. She was of the Earth clan, but she was independent. She was very wise, and despite her blindness, she saw more than anyone else did. She did not listen to the words that were uttered by the Fire Lord or the young Water Goddess, but she could feel their heartbeats and movements.

She truly could see more than anyone else ever could, and she saw something between those two that no one else would ever have predicted. A small, amused smile spread across her usually blank face.
