Pure heart

"Someone please help me!" The young boy who was inside the cage started to cry. He completed broke down because he thought it was his last day on earth. But then suddenly a brunette lady came out from the forest.

"Don't worry, I'll take you out." Anastasia looked at the lock and tried to take it off. She used a safety pin to open the lock of the cage. But it didn't worked.

"Please take me out! Those witches wants to sacrifice me to the demon, that's why they bought me here. Please... I beg you. Do something." The boy couldn't stop crying. He was very young to die early.

"Calm down. I'll do something." She glanced at the lock and noticed that it had a binding spell on it. But sadly she forgot the spell to break it.

She looked around to find Ezen but then she noticed fire coming from the place where the witches were.

Anastasia got anxious. "I hope he is okay." She tried to check what happened to him but then she heard the boy yelling.

"Please don't leave me." He was still whipping.

Anastasia: "Don't worry. Just give me a second. I will come back to take you out." After that, she ran in the direction where the fire started.

She arrived at the incident and saw several witches burning. "What the hell? You killed them!?" It was not in the plan.

Ezen looked behind and noticed Anastasia there. "Anastasia go away! You are not safe here."

She couldn't hear him properly. "I am what!?" She glanced at the witch and noticed that she was trying to light up the fire, that's why she decided to make her trip. "Cadere..."

The leader of the witch fell on the ground and the demon's horn in her hand went inside the fire.

A large amount of smoke started to come from it.

Ezen touched his head in annoyance. "Oh hell no!"

The witch who was currently on the ground started to laugh maniacally. "Our Lord is coming. He is going to kill both of you." She laughed again.

Anastasia got scared when she heard the word kill. She ran toward Ezen. "No, I don't want to die. Is that demon really going to kill us?" She felt anxious and because of that Ezen also started feeling anxious.

Ezen: "Don't be anxious. Nothing will happen. Just think of that demon as a delivery guy."

Anastasia: "Delivery guy?"

Ezen: "We lost that horn, that's why we need another one. Just wait and watch. You'll understand."

A large scary looking beast came inside from the fire and groaned loudly.

Anastasia was so frightened that she quickly grabbed Ezen's hand. He also didn't said anything about it.

Anastasia closed her eyes tightly so she could not see the beast's face.

The tall 10 feet demon kept groaning angrily that's why the witch got confident. "Lord, please. Kill these two people. They destroyed your sacred horn."

The beast looked at them up and down and then finally understood. He bowed down and looked down. "Your highness, I am sorry."

Ezen was surprised. "You found out about me very early. I am impressed. so I don't think I will kill you."

The beast angrily looked at the witch who summoned it. "Your highness if you want then, can I kill her?"

The witch looked betrayed. Her whole family has been praying for this demon for decades but now, he is talking about killing her.

Ezen laughed. "Typical demons." He looked at Anastasia. "But no, we will deal with her later. So just do your job and leave..." He glanced at him "Give me your horn."

The demon had no choice but to obey him. "As you wish." He broked his other horn from his head and gave it to him.

Ezen also took it and gave him a signal to disappear. but the demon still didn't go. He kept staring at Anastasia with dept.

His gaze was making her feel very uncomfortable. That's why Ezen also got that feeling.

The demonic beast looked horrified when he saw Anastasia. "Your highness, this girl is a.." before he completed his sentence. Ezen teleported him back into the hell. "Get lost!"

Anastasia was very confused. What was the beast trying to tell Ezen about her? This girl is what? She was very curious.

Ezen: "So anyway. What are we supposed to do with her?" He looked at the woman who was bowing on the ground.

"Please don't do anything to me!" The woman started to beg. but deep inside there was unlimited anger filled for them.

Anastasia thought about it. "Umm, it's a hard choice. If we killed her then there will be news about it, and if we didn't then she is going to do it again... That's why I think we should wipe her memories about using black magic." She looked at Ezen. "Can you do it?"

Ezen: "I mean, I can do it but... What if she remembered her memories later?"

Anastasia: "It's none of our business if she remembered later or not."

Ezen nodded. "Facts." He went towards the witch and told her to look into his eyes. "Forget everything that happened. You are not a witch anymore."

The witch also repeated after him while being hypnotized. "I am not a witch anymore."

Ezen: "Now leave from this place and never return."

After that, the witch started to leave from the forest.

Anastasia sighed. "Now, we need to take that boy out from the cage."

Ezen: "You still haven't saved him?"

Anastasia: "No I didn't, I forgot the spell."

Ezen: "Then fine. Let's take him out from the cage quickly."

They arrived towards the cage and noticed that boy still crying.

Ezen looked at Anastasia and gave her a signal to open the door of that cage. "Go ahead"

Anastasia: "but why should I open it? You can do it too?"

Ezen: "I can, but I want you to learn the spells. It's not that hard. Just say patefacio sursum."

Anastasia didn't know how to pronounce it but she still tried. "Patefacio sursum."

After that the bidding spell from the lock got loose and then it exploded.

Ezen crossed his arms. "Look, you did a great job."

Anastasia smiled. "Thanks." She looked at the boy and went to take him out. "Oh sorry, I forgot about you."

She tried to calm the little boy. "Are you okay? Please don't cry. You are safe now."

The boy still couldn't stop crying.

Anastasia: "It's okay. We will send you back to your parents. What is your name?" She asked calmly.

The boy wiped his tears and put back his glasses on. "I am Gage Spencer."

Ezen chuckled. "Gage in a cage."

Anastasia glared at him. "Ezen shutup!"

Ezen rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

Anastasia looked back at the boy. "If you don't mind me asking then can you tell me how old you are? Because I think I already heard your name somewhere."

Gage: "I am 13 years old." That means he is similar age as Emily.

Anastasia: "Ohh, so do you go in Saint Helena high school?"

The boy nodded. "Yes, but how do you know about it?"

Anastasia smiled. "My sister goes in the same high school as you. Maybe I heard about you from her."

Ezen was confused. "Wait! Do you have a sister? How did I never heard about her?"

Anastasia: "Of course, you know her. She is the one who you possessed, just so you could call me in the forbidden forest."

Ezen finally remembered about her. "I remembered her now."

Anastasia sighed. "But anyway, let's not fight in front of a kid." She looked at the boy. "Let me send you to the police station. Maybe they can send you back to your parents."

Ezen: "But why should we do it? He can teleport himself."

Anastasia couldn't believe it. "How is this child going to do that? He don't have any magic."

Ezen: "Who said he doesn't? Look at the moon mark he has on his arm." He looked at the boy and asked. "Do you know how your house looks like?"

The boy nodded. "Yeah"

Ezen: "Then close your eyes and think about how your house looks."

Gage also did as he said. "Alright..."

Ezen: "Now take a deep breath."




The boy disappeared from the forest and arrived straight at his home.

Anastasia was shocked by seeing that. "What the hell!?"


Even Gage was terrified when got teleported back into his house. Does he have magic?

His mother Mrs. Linda Spencer was crying since morning because of her son's kidnapping case. But she stopped crying when she saw him standing in one place without moving.

She went toward him crying and hugged him tightly. "Oh my goodness, where were you gone? How did you came here?"

Gage looked at his mother with an emotionless face. "with the help of magic."

His mother was shocked. How did he knew about the magic this early?. "What!?"


Ezen and Anastasia kept walking towards the graveyard. "Ohh, so that boy was from a sorcerer bloodline?"

Ezen: "Yeah, those people have white magic inside them."

Anastasia got curious. "So... what type of magic do I have?"

Ezen: "You have white magic. Those kinds of magic are not harmful. But black magic on the other hand... They can ruin us."

Anastasia sighed with relief. "Thank goodness."

They arrived at the place where there were many tombstones of dead people. There was darkness everywhere but thanks to the lighted candles, they could atleast see something.

Anastasia started to feel very cold. "This place is very spooky."

Ezen snickered "You didn't found it spooky when you were roaming around the forbidden forest."

Anastasia made a poker face. "It was your fault..."

Ezen: "How is it my fault!?"

Anastasia went ahead and tried to find a body of someone with a pure heart. "Anyway, let's just find them."

She closed her eyes and tried to connect with the spirits, but none of their soul were pure.

Ezen looked around. "Why are you wasting your time by connecting with the spirits?".

Anastasia stopped. "Then what do you want me to do?"

Ezen: "Who do you think has a pure heart in this evil world?"

Anastasia: "Kids do. Am I right?"

Ezen: "Yes." He started to dig the grave of a toddler, but Anastasia was hesitant.

Anastasia: "If we took that child's heart then it won't affect their afterlife. Right?" Because she didn't wanted to ruin someone's life by doing it.

Ezen kept digging the grave while answering.  "No. This child is already in heaven. so I don't think it will affect their afterlife. And no one takes their body with them after dying."

Anastasia nodded. "Make sense."

After they took out the toddler's corpse. The body was smelling badly. Anastasia was feeling like vomiting because of the smell, but she controlled it.

Well, atleast in the end. They got the pure heart.

Anastasia was very tired. She stretched her body. "Finally, we got it... Now we only need angel's blood."

Ezen: "Don't worry about it. I already have the angel's blood."

Anastasia: "Really?"

Ezen: "Yeah, I drink it when I am bored." He chuckled because he was joking.

Anastasia also laughed. "I bet you do..." She yawned. "If our work here is done then I am leaving." She decided to go but Ezen stopped her.

Ezen: "No you are not."

Anastasia got annoyed because she was already very sleepy. "Why not!? I am tired, I need sleep. You can't stop me!"

Ezen: "Sleep later. First, let's resurrect Equinox."

Anastasia started to whine. "No, not now!"

He held her hand and dragged her with him. "Come, let's go..."