Anastasia glared at Ezen because she was really mad. "You are such a selfish bastard." She got emotional. "Someone wants to sleep peacefully but you are not letting me... How dare you!!"
Ezen laughed. "Why are you so cranky today?"
Anastasia: "If you won't let someone sleep then sure as hell they will be cranky." She rubbed her eyes.
Ezen: "Yeah right... Now go ahead and start the resurrecting process."
Anastasia yawned again. "I forgot the book in my home. So... We can't do the ritual now." She got up to leave but then she saw Ezen carrying something that looked similar to the book he gave her.
Ezen: "I knew that you would do something like that. That's why I have a copy of that book." He threw the book on the ground. "Read it."
Anastasia took the book angrily and sat on the ground. "You better pay me extra for working overtime."
Ezen: "Sure. I'll give you 50 millions. What do you think?"
Anastasia nodded with satisfaction. "I like that.."
She looked at Equinox who was laying on the casket peacefully. But she could still feel the sadness in her body. That's why she touched her hand just so she could feel what Equinox is going through now.
She closed her eyes and tried to connect with Equinox's soul. But when the connection became successful, her whole body started to feel like it was burning.
That time she saw a vision. In that, a woman was getting burned alive. There was fire everywhere in the place and screams of everyone could be heard.
Then she realized. She was in hell right now. But she forgot how to come back from it.
Then suddenly a demon came closer towards and smirked. "Welcome to hell! Did you see these people getting tortured?" The scary demon smiled creepily. "You are going to be next." He laughed maniacally. "Your death is coming."
Anastasia cried while shaking her head. "No! I will not die."
Because of her spirit form crying. Her original body also couldn't control her emotions.
Ezen also felt the emotions that's why he tried to calm her down. He caressed her hairs. "It's okay. Come back in this universe." He used his powers to suck her bad feelings out.
When Anastasia heard his voice in the hell dimension. She found her way out and got back in her body.
She breathed heavily. Her body was feeling weird that's why she held Ezen tightly. "My goodness. I literally visited hell. It was the worst experience ever."
Ezen scolded her. "I told you already. Don't try to connect with Equinox. She is in a torturing area of hell. Thank goodness, you didn't entered the main area. otherwise it would have been hard for you to come back."
Anastasia wiped her tears. "So... Equinox is being tortured? That's why you want to save her?"
Ezen nodded. "Yeah.."
Anastasia found it weird. "But... Why would they tortured their own people? She is a demon too right?"
Ezen: "She is. But in hell, no one check who they are torturing. If someone disobeyed them then they are supposed to die. That's the rule."
Anastasia got scared. "You also disobeyed them by saving me? Are you going to get tortured too?"
Ezen chuckled. "Why? Are you scared for me?"
Anastasia: "Yes I am scared. You saved me. I don't want anything to happen to you."
Ezen: "Well, to be honest. I owe you everything. You helped me many times, I don't know what should I do to thank you properly."
Anastasia: "Don't worry about it. I'll take all of the favour one by one." She moved towards the casket Equinox was in. "Before I change my mind. Let's do this."
Ezen: "If you are tired now then, we can do this tomorrow too."
Anastasia: "No, I will resurrect her right now. I don't know why I changed my mind. But I want to do it." She really wanted to help him in bringing Equinox back.
Ezen: "Okay but take care of yourself. If you felt like you can't do it then stop it."
"Okay.." Anastasia took a demon's horn and broked it into a two pieces and added an angel's blood on it, so she could signal Equinox's soul to come back into her body.
After that, she kept chanting the words written in that book for hours... And soon, the process was starting to work. but the difficult part is going to start now.
She took the pure heart and poured it's blood inside the devil's horn and by doing that. She arrived in another dimension but she couldn't enter it because if she did then it would be hard to come out from it... That's why she needs to channel someone's power from the outside.
She opened her eyes and looked at Ezen. "I need your help." She held his hand and channel his powers to come back into that dimension.
When she arrived inside it. She saw many people standing in a line waiting for something.
She also waited there to go pass them but it was taking time.
She was annoyed that's why she asked the lady in front of her to move forward. "Excuse me. Can you move forward... There is no one in front of you now."
But what that lady did shocked her. She rotated her head and started to talk with her. "There are plenty of people ahead waiting for their death. If you want to die faster then go ahead!"
Anastasia got frightened when she saw the lady's face. She realized that she accidentally arrived in the staircase of hell. That's why she ran away from that place.
Everything was burning in that place. She couldn't see a thing. But that time she saw a board which mentioned about the torture chamber.
Maybe Equinox might be inside it. She thought. That's why she went in it. But there were many powerful demons guarding each torture chamber.
But somehow, Anastasia managed to escape it. But one of the demons saw her. He started to chase her and made Anastasia trip so he could catch her.
Anastasia's leg was injured but she healed it and stood up from the ground and gave a challenging look to the demon.
The demon was little bit intimidated by her but he still tried to threaten her. By her smell, the demon understood that she was a human. That's why he got more agitated. "You disgusting species! How dare you enter our hell! You should die..." Before he could speak. Anastasia grabbed his neck and threw him into the pit of hell fire.
Anastasia was tired because she was feeling very hot. "If your heart was bigger than your mouth. Then maybe, I would have let you lived." She ran from that place and entered Equinox's chamber.
The death of that demon alerted the main area of hell.
The empress was furious when she heard a human has arrived in hell. but her anger grew more when she learned that it was Anastasia.
How dare she enter the hell!? Who helped her? But when she learned that it was her own beloved son who did this. Her wrath had no control. She ordered the guards to end both Equinox and Anastasia in this place and bring their hearts to her.
She'll think what to do about Ezen later on.
When Anastasia arrived at the chamber. She saw Equinox laying unconscious on the ground. That's why she tried to wake her up.
"Equinox wake up." She shook her body. "We need to leave... Please wake up." She used her power to heal her spirit so she can get up.
Equinox slowly opened her eyes and stared at her while blinking her blue eyes. She was stunned by seeing Anastasia.
She said with her tired voice. "Who are you?"
Anastasia: "It is not necessary now. I will tell you about everything later. But first I need you to come back to your original body as soon as I completed my spell.
Equinox: "But my body was burned. How can I go back inside it?"
Anastasia: "It is not. Just try it. You need to come back." Anastasia felt many demon's armies were coming towards their direction. That's why she was in hurry. "Let's start it."
She took Equinox's hand and started to chant spells to come back into the real dimension. But suddenly a large number of demons broked the door and came inside to attack them.
But when they tried to kill them. All of the demons started to levitate and were thrown out of the chamber while being severely injured.
Anastasia understood who did it. That's why she kept chanting.
(Keep casting spell. I will take care of the demons.) Ezen said while trying to kill the demons by his mind power.
Even Equinox tried to help her by using her remaining power to keep the demon's outside. But it soon faded away because she was in a very weak state. Her magic slowly slowly disappeared.
Anastasia: "Equinox when I count to three. Try to go back inside your body."
"LEAVE!" Anastasia screamed and saw Equinox disappearing from the place. She sighed with relief. Because of using too much mana in one day. Anastasia's body couldn't handle the heat. That's why blood started to come from her nose.
And the similar thing happened in her original human body.
Ezen tried to wipe the blood on her nose with a tissue. But then he saw Equinox's body shaking violently. That means the task was successful. Her spirit came back in her body.
Ezen tried to wake Anastasia. "Wake up. Our mission is completed. Come back in your body."
Anastasia also could hear his voice in the hell dimension. But whenever she tried to come back into her body. It was not working only. Like someone more powerful than her had stopped her from going back.
The demons who were injured begin to bow down when they saw the empress herself coming towards the chamber to check about the matter.
She looked very angry. She glared at the demons who was bowing down and stepped on one's hand. The demon screamed with pain.
Lilith scoffed. "You all are freaking useless!! You can't even handle a single human? Shame on you!!!" She screamed.
One of the demon spoke up. "Empress it is not our fault. It is Ezen. He was helping that girl from not getting attacked."
Lilith's eyes turned red with anger. "HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY SON'S NAME!!?". She grabbed the demon's neck and exploded his brain making blood everywhere. All the demons were scared by seeing this sight.
To be honest, she was taking her anger of Ezen on these demons. Because whatever Ezen do. She knew that she would never kill him... After all, he was her son.
All the demons bowed sadly. Even they were her own children's. But the empress always favored Ezen. Why? Because he was the next throne in the line and her last pawn for destroying the world.
Lilith was very hurt when she learned that Ezen was going against his own people. But still, she didn't blamed him.
She couldn't believe that he could do all of this. She didn't created him for doing this. She was very angry and now she needed someone to take her anger on. That's when she smelled the human scent coming from inside.
She is not going to let Anastasia leave this place that easily.