Meeting Lilith

Ezen went towards Anastasia and tried his everything to wake her up. But she was still not opening her eyes. That's why Ezen started to became anxious.

He knew that Lilith might have done something to stop Anastasia from coming back. That's why he decided to bring her back early.

If he didn't then Anastasia would get forever trapped in that hell dimension.

He quickly took out his soul ring and then touched it with the pendant Anastasia was wearing. And by doing that, it would get easier for her to find the way till here.


Anastasia was feeling very scared because of her power being freeze in a moment. If the demons caught her then they are going to torture her in various way. That's why she tried her best to make her powers work again.

She glanced at her pendant and noticed it glowing. That's when she got a confidence that she can leave this place without any harm.

She casted the spell to go back in her body. And thankfully, this time it worked.

Her soul slowly started to fade away. But before she disappeared completely. Lilith barged into the room and saw Anastasia leaving. that's why she quickly used her black magic and sprinkled it on Anastasia. And accidentally the black magic left it's mark on her arm. Making it turn black.

But before it reached to her whole body. Anastasia dissapeared from the hell.

When Lilith saw that her plan was failed. She screamed with anger. "I WANT HER!!!!"

The demon's army bowed because of being scared. "Empress please don't get mad. We'll try our everything to bring that girl's dead body to you."

Lilith made her fist tight. "No! You can't catch that girl alone! She is not a normal human. You guys can't stand a chance before her." She burned her hand on the hell fire while punishing herself. "That's why I need to go there alone."

Here eyes slowly turned white... That means now no one can save the world... because the empress is finally back.


When Anastasia got back in her body. She felt terrible pain in her arm.

It was like, someone just splashed acid on her hand. It was burning like hell. That's why she screamed with pain.

Ezen came to check on her and saw her arm covered in a black mark. He got scared by seeing that.

Ezen: "Oh shit!!!" He knew that Lilith used her black magic to harm Anastasia. But thank goodness the black magic didn't got into her whole body. If that happened then Anastasia would have died instantly.

He quickly picked Anastasia in his arms and carried her bridal style in his room.

He layed her on his king sized bed and started to rub her palms. "It's okay. Calm down." He whispered softly in her ears.

Anastasia moaned with pain. Her arm was still burning like hell.

Even her healing tactics were not working on the injury.

Ezen sucked the pain out of her arm and transformed it on him. So Anastasia could not feel weakness because of it.

He also took away all the negative feelings from her mind so she could sleep peacefully.

Ezen looked at Anastasia's and noticed that her face looked dull.

She was looking weaker than before.

This happened because the hell's temperature is so high that it could make any person die in like 5 seconds. But god knows how Anastasia survived for this many hours!?

For her current state. Ezen was feeling very guilty. If they would have stopped for few days then this thing would have never happened.

He slided her brunette hairs behind her ears because it were covering her face. After that, he kept staring at her face for more than minutes. It was because, he can't shake the feeling that he has seen someone similar to Anastasia in the 1400s. But sadly, he don't remember the person's name.

While he was thinking about if Anastasia was a reincarnation of someone he knew from the past... He heard a loud noise of someone banging the door harshly.


After hearing her voice Ezen sighed. "Here we go again."


Equinox tried to break the door many times but she couldn't do it.

Her whole body was weak because of not drinking any blood for centuries.

She breathed heavily and felt like someone was outside the door. That's why she started to bang the door again. "HOW DARE YOU KEEP ME LOCKED!? IF I CAME OUTSIDE THEN I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!"

Ezen chuckled while hearing his sister talk like that. "What happened to you Equinox? You were very polite before and now you are acting like this?" He sighed. "Looks like the other demons corrupted your mind."

Equinox got annoyed. "Who the hell are you!? What do you want from me? And most importantly, why are you keeping me locked?"

Ezen: "Make a guess."

"What a bastard!!" She mumbled under her breath so he could not hear it.

Ezen: "I can hear you sis..."

Equinox was confused. "Sis!? I have many brothers. Which one are you?"

Ezen: "Isn't it obvious? Ofcourse I am your favourite brother. You forgot about me?"

Equinox scoffed. "To be honest, i don't like any of my siblings. All are freaking annoying brats."

Ezen got offended. "Oh really? Then get lost. I am sending you back in hell..."

Equinox got scared and went near the door. "No, no no. Please don't do that. It's been 1000 years. I forgot everyone's face. So it might take some time to process everything."

"Fine then..." He opened the door and looked at Equinox with dissapointed. "Sister you still look the same but your face has became more uglier."

Equinox rolled her eyes. "Enough commenting about my face. But first, tell me who are you? Because i never met you in my whole life."

Ezen: "I bet you don't. I possessed someone else's body and... it is all your fault. If you wouldn't have made the mess that time then..."

Equinox suddenly realized who he was that's why she went towards him and hugged him tightly. "Oh my goodness... Ezen i am so sorry." She started to cry.

"Eww! Get away from me." He pushed her away. "I hate physical touch."

Equinox wiped her tears. "I am sorry. I got little emotional."

Ezen: "Equinox i told you many times... Demons don't have emotions. You should control it."

Equinox got upset. "Stop talking like mom! You mama's boy!"

Ezen: "What did you call me!?"

Equinox rubbed her eyes. "Nothing."

Ezen: "By the way, you do know that i am still mad at you. Right? After all, Because of you, i have been trapped in that forbidden forest for 1000 years."

Equinox gave him an sad smile. "I know.... And you have all the right to be mad at me... I'll try my best to fix the mistakes i made in the past."

Ezen: "You better..."

Equinox nodded and looked at the current body Ezen possessed. She couldn't help laughing by seeing him like this. "How did you ended up like this?"

Ezen: "Well, it is also your fault."

Equinox: "How can everything be my fault!?"

Ezen: "Because it is." He showed her his soul ring.

Equinox was shocked by seeing this. "Is this the one i gave you?"

Ezen: "Yeah, and because of this i can't go back in my original form."

Equinox was dissapointed. "You freaking idiot! Why did you do that? Who did you bounded your soul with!?"

Ezen: "With the one who saved you." He found nothing wrong with it. Why is Equinox being extra?

Equinox couldn't believe it. "Oh my goodness! You know why i gave you that artifacts. Right?" She touched her head because of frustration. She made this artifacts for Ezen's future wife but this idiot brother of her ruined everything. "Ezen! That girl is a human."

Ezen: "So what!?"

Equinox: "You are not understanding Ezen. you are a demon... And if you bounded your soul with a human then that person's mana would be greatly affected... And if that happened then..." She was hesitant to speak.

Ezen was nervous. "Then what!? Equinox tell me!"

Equinox: "Then any evil energy could touch that person..." It was truth. Because Ezen powers are very unique. He is known for sucking life of the nature. And if his energy got combined with some other force then that person would get in trouble.

While she was trying to explain it. She heard a loud scream coming from the room Anastasia was in..

Something must have happened to her. That's why both of them ran into her room to check about the matters.


"Hello!? Is anybody here!?" Anastasia was in a very lost state.

For minutes she has been walking in a weird path.

She couldn't see her surroundings properly because of the dark. It was like she was in middle of no where. she couldn't see anything that's why she started to feel frightened.

"Please someone say something!!" She begins to cry because the silence were poking her.

"Shhh.. Don't be scared..." Someone gently whispered in her ears. But she couldn't take off the feeling that the person was mocking her.

"Who are you!? And where am I!? Anastasia screamed with anger. But in return, the voice started to laugh at her.

"Oh my! So much anger? I love it... You know for centuries i tried to find you all over the world. But thankfully, i finally found you..." The person giggled again.

Anastasia started to become annoyed. "Why don't you talk to me face to face!? Huh? Why? Are you scared?"

The woman's voice turned scary. "Are you challenging me? You vile woman!!"

Anastasia became arrogant. "Maybe i am..."

The voice had enough. "You want to see me!? Then be ready..." A suddenly dark sorce of light came from the person. Many bats were covering the woman's whole body but after they flied away. She saw her face.

She was a middle aged woman but still she looked so mesmerizing. Her red hairs were main factors of her beauty. Anastasia noticed that this woman looks little bit similar to Equinox. That's why she understood who it was...

"Lilith!?" Anastasia said while looking at her.

Lilith: "Ohh, i am flattered. You know me!?"

Anastasia smiled sarcastically. "Ofcourse... Who doesn't know you? Afterall, i did hell of a research on you.."

Lilith smiled. "Even i did few reasearch on you Miss Anastasia De Rossi." She stopped dramatically. "Or should i say, Anastasia Dalton Reynolds.."

Anastasia was shocked by hearing this. Whose surname did she took? "What!?"

Lilith chuckled. "Look at you, being all clueless. Nobody ever told you about your real parents. Did they?"

Anastasia had no words to say.

"But it's good they didn't." She smirked. "Why? Do you want to know?"

Anastasia shook her head. "No, you are trying to mess with my head. I know it... You are trying to manipulate me."

Lilith: "I am not manipulating you dear... I am just trying to help you." She showed her a fake sympathy. "Anastasia i know you have been through alot. Afterall, you are not supposed to exist. But sadly, you do. We can't change it or can we?" She smiled. "Just more few days and then you'll be in peace... All you have to do is just wait for sacrifice to take place..."

"No! Never. I am not dumb enough to fall into your stupid trap! If you want to sacrifice someone so bad then go take someone else. Why me!?" She screamed with anger.

Lilith was trying to keep her composure but her inner wickedness is supposed to come out. "BECAUSE YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED CENTURIES AGO BUT BECAUSE OF YOUR FREAKING UNCLE. YOU ARE STILL ALIVE."

Lilith face became demonic. She couldn't control her anger that's why she grabbed Anastasia's neck and levitated her on the air. "IF I WANT THEN I COULD JUST KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!! BUT I AM NOT GOING TO DO THAT. I'LL WAIT TILL THE SACRIFICE TAKE PLACE AND THEN, ANASTASIA. YOU'LL DIE... AFTER YOUR DEATH ALL OF MY PROBLEMS WILL GET SOLVED."

"In your dreams!!" Anastasia eyes turned purple and then she quickly chanted a spell. "Descende.." After that, her body which were levitating on the air came down. So she took her chance and ran away in the other direction.

Lilith was outraged. How dare she break her spell!? No one ever dared to do that. And she!?


Anastasia's body stopped moving on its own and her arm was covered with black thing that was stinging her like hell. That's why she scream with pain.

Lilith smirked. "I am sorry! Does it hurt?" She stopped her hand from feeling pain and glanced at her. "I thought the pain should be extra. Right?" She smiled sadistically and kept chanting.

Anastasia hand felt like it was in a verge of breaking. There were lot of blood coming out from it.

She wanted to heal her arm but her body was not in her control. But still she didn't gave up because she knew that it was all in her head. She needs to somehow come in reality.

"STOP IT!!!!" Anastasia screamed so loudly that it made Lilith's power stuck in place. She couldn't believe her eyes.

After so much pain. Anastasia opened her teary eyes and glanced her arm. It was normal. There was no blood in it. It was just a vision Lilith gave her.

Lilith was very impressed by it. "Wow, you are really powerful than me. I am really jealous... But i am not mad because i know you will share your powers with me. right?"

Anastasia tried to move but she couldn't.

Lilith raised her eyebrows at her. "Don't be like that... Sharing is caring you know.." she smiled and looked into her eyes.

Lilith's face turned demonic. She opened her mouth and transferred her black soul into Anastasia's mouth.