My Consort

-The Dreamscape-

When Hale woke up, he was back in their world, inside Velori's mind. He was still standing where he had been before, while Velori was now laying on her side, being pummeled by the water coming down over the falls.

Heart in his throat, he quickly ran to her side, pulling her into his arms. He then turned and walked hastily away from the thundering noise and back towards the cabin. He looked down at her naked wet skin as he felt a trimmer go through her body. Her skin was goose flesh and felt slick against his hands. Her hair hung heavy, towards the ground, swaying as he traveled back towards the cabin.

He looked around at the still darkness and the clouds in the background. Over the mountains, the stars protested brightly behind them. He could barely make out the pine trees that cluttered the bank of the lakebed and land region. The moon was glaring big and bright as if it were screaming at him for messing with her mind.