Gargoyles and Consorts

Hale smiled a little, but it did nothing to shake his bothered expression.

Gairett didn't want to talk about Velori anymore and Hale knew it. To him there was no further reason too, Gairett had made up his mind, so whatever happens, would happen.

"No, I 'aven't mated. I tried getting with Tayen, but she wanted no one and nothing but you." He laughed again and finally looked back up at him. "After everyone left, I started to enjoy the alone time. And hate it. I'm glad you're back. Maybe there will be a bit more normalcy to my life again, eh?"

Gairett almost burst into laughter. "You are a rat with wings; there is no "normalcy" to your life. You turn into stone during the day and cannot stop yourself from at least once a month, going on top of some ridiculously tall place and basking in the sun all damn day."

This time he did laugh and they both joined each other in clicking their glasses together in a renewed comrade. "I've missed you, you know."

A few more hours went by like that, talking and catching up. After that, they ordered something to eat from the all-night sushi bar. Gairett talked Hale into letting him order for him.

Hale got a dish, filled edge to edge with raw beef, marinated in some sort of salty sauce, and Gairett had a slightly smaller platter of Ahi wrapped in slivers of black seaweed, with a saucer of wasabi on the side. Both dishes were delicious and satisfying.

Hale's pearly white skin started to turn olive as he finished off the last of his meal, magnifying his beauty. This of course brought on even more attention from the infatuated waitress. She hurried over and picked up their empty plates, eyeing Hale as much as she could.

Once she was gone Gairett said, "There was a time when you were not so nice to your meal. I am happy to see, that has changed as well."

Hale leaned forward on his elbows and said, "I see no need to hunt when raw meat can be bought and prepared so eloquently. Would you?" He grinned and leaned back in his chair once again, twirling the contents of his glass leisurely.

The band was getting up to go on break so someone put on a soft CD that sounded similar to the other band. As the girls were going into a small door by the bar, the little waitress came over and leaned down, whispering sensual tidbits and wishes into Hale's ear. She wanted to meet up with him later.

Since Gairett's hearing was powerful, he heard everything she'd said. After the little thing walked away with a pout on her face Gairett couldn't help but say, "You should have taken her up on her offer. I would not want your night ruined simply because I am here."

Hale finished off his drink and put his glass aside. It took a lot to get him drunk, but looking at the seven bottles of wine on the table, he simply relaxed as the slight lethargy started to set in.

"I 'aven't been able to find a suitable mate. I, uh, talked to a close friend that's a Gargoyle as well. He said that it's because I 'aven't found my 'Consort'. He said that, over time Gargoyles find no pleasure or want in any other creature but their 'Consort'. The one being they are meant to protect. So, I'm in a fragile position."

"You are… How do they say? Screwed, you mean?"

"Actually, it's the other way around. Out of luck perhaps, but screwing is one thing I'm unable to do." With Gairett's blank yet slightly confused expression, his smile grew that much wider.

"So, explain exactly what your 'Consort' is and how you can get one. Maybe I will be able to help you. I mean, it is the least I can try and do. No?"

Still smiling he leaned on the table and clasped his hands together. His eyes had begun to haze over as he pulled up the conversation with his friend. As he looked back up at Gairett, they became clear and vibrant under the blue hue of the lights.

"Well, you know that Gargoyles use to be Vampires. Well, after being turned into what we are now, apparently, we 'ave this problem of needing to protect the 'uman race." He glanced away in irritation.

This was true. Long ago, vampires fed off of blood. Since they were human before, they could only feed off of the same type of vital fluid. In this process, they either turned or killed the human they were feeding on. One thing history failed to say was that vampires loved mankind. They hated hurting them. They spent hundreds of years trying to find a way to protect them. Going so far as to feed off of other things. In the end, they failed. So, for the species to survive, the vampire race decided to do the only thing they could think of. Sacrifice themselves to the light.

When the Elements of the Realms saw what they were doing, they panicked and felt great pity and respect for them. Out of that love and respect, they gave the vampire race a priceless gift. They took away their original blight and made them all Gargoyles. They still couldn't stand the sun but could now be in it. Also, instead of harming humankind, they made them their protectors. Forever and all eternity, they serve and protect mankind. Only severe anger could bring a Gargoyle to ever harm one.

As simple as it is, Gargoyles are just mutated vampires. Though, Hale isn't like the Vampire's portrayed in the movies. He's even different than most other Gargoyles. Garlic means nothing to him other than a tasty seasoning. Crosses struck him as pretty but useless and did no harm at all. It seemed the only thing the media got right was the mirror stuff and even that was still halfway wrong. He could see himself all he wanted. Stand there for hours and stare. It was other people who couldn't see him. Regarding the sun, however, he is vulnerable. His blood changes and goes dormant in the presence of daylight. He could stay out in the sun all he wanted but he wouldn't be able to move. He would become nothing more than a Hale-shaped statue. The process of it going dormant was also extremely draining. As long as he was indoors, he could move, and speak even. He could also fight to protect himself.

Something Gairett knew from personal experience.

Hale could even eat human food without effect. He enjoyed it in fact, particularly meat. But to survive he needed something else. Another thing the world didn't have any clue about. Hale needed water.

Gargoyles still must rid themselves of unwanted waste materials in their bodies and gargoyle blood, so a refill is regularly required. He can get a good portion of it from any raw meat. As long as it is raw, he could live, just not stay healthy. He requires water from other beings. Something that has put its own life into, its very cells. This world calls it Plasma.

Sometimes he has to take from a living being, something still alive and something willing to give. So, every once in a while, he uses Illusion to persuade someone to help him. Without that small thing, he would become very sick and perhaps die. Water sustains everything, and Hale is not an exception to that.

With a smirk Gairett leaned back and put his arms behind his head, preparing himself for Hale to continue.

"Well, not only do we 'ave to protect them but the only way we can multiply is through them." With an exasperated swig of his drink, Hale sat back as well, and his eyes wandered around the bar before he continued. "And of course, the only way we can mate is with our 'Consort'. Now there's only one," He held out one finger and smiled his irritated smile as his eyes came back to Gairett's. "I repeat, just one. They're out there, for each of us. They can live this long life and die and if we never find them, then another is born. Marked somehow, as our 'Consort' until we find them. We can have sex and whatnot with others, even enjoy it. But after a human's life span, that enjoyment stops, and we find we 'ave no interest to be with anyone or anything. Because I'm 'alf something else, mine lasted for over five 'uman life spans. My friend seemed jealous somehow. I find it irritating."

He swirled the contents of his glass again, watching as it spun around his glass. Then he tossed the rest of it back and went on.

"Sex with my 'Consort' is supposed to be incredible. EVERYTHING is supposed to be incredible. Waking up in the bloody morning with them is supposed to be amazing. I say if I knew about my blessed 'Consort' 'undreds of years ago, I would 'ave been out there looking for 'er." He heaved another sigh. "He said that once we find them they become a higher form of 'uman. He called it Elf. Did you know that's also what our Tayen is? Supposedly after some time, if the 'uman knows enough Verrah, their brain becomes more accessible to them and they turn into an 'Elf'. I had not previously known this." Hale shook his head to clear his mind and then continued. "Anyway, after our first mate it is like the 'uman marriage. 'We are forever each other's, never to find un'appiness again.'"

He must have been mimicking his friend because he turned his voice over as he said the last bit. "To tell you the truth my friend seemed overly 'appy about it. It made me sick. So now I must find my damn 'Consort'" He looked down at his glass and glared at it as if it was the cause of all of his problems and would just simply shatter into a thousand pieces.

"Sounds dreadful. How do you know what she looks like, or where she is?"

"You don't." Was all he said.

With a laugh that he couldn't hold down, Gairett stood and pulled his brother up by the arm. After Hale laid some obscene-looking paper on the table, they left.

Gairett decided to linger a few days with Hale, to catch up and play a little. Although he wanted to get back and stay with Velori, she could wait for him. He shouldn't have to rush back. He only felt an attachment because she so resembled Melisa. But he had to admit to himself, he couldn't imagine knowing of her existence and choosing to be away from her.

Besides, she's human, what could she possibly need him there for? And after the discussion with Hale tonight, of their history being shared with a stranger, Hale deserved Gairett's time and patience, not to mention his presence.

So, they went back to Hale's place and talked until he decided to go to sleep in the morning. Gairett, on the other hand, was going to fiddle and fill every appetite that he might have for this new world. Then when Hale went to sleep tomorrow, Gairett just might join him. However, for now, he was going to take advantage of his abilities and indulge in every pleasure that he came across.