Chapter 10: The Lady with Amber Eyes

(Alexander's POV)

"Sir, as Chairman Lu instructed, your only schedule this afternoon is to attend the foundation ceremony at Capital University." Secretary Lin mentioned as he scanned through his tablet.

With my eyes focused on the laptop's screen in front of me, I spoke. "How long would that ceremony last? I need to meet someone tonight."

"For the last few years, the ceremony has always ended around 8 in the evening."

I nodded my head and closed the laptop. Looking at the time, it was already 3 in the afternoon and the ceremony would start at 4 pm. "We should go over now, I don't want to be late for that event."

Secretary Lin took the laptop after nodding. We walked out of the office and headed to the basement floor. He pressed the B1 button where the VIP's cars were all parked. Waiting for the lift to reach the basement, I took my phone from my suit pocket and answered the call. "Yes, grandfather?"

"Are you on the way now, Alexander?"

"I'm already on the way, grandfather. Don't worry, I won't be late."

"That's good. I'll hang up then." Before I could utter a reply, he ended the call. I looked at my phone in disbelief at what had just happened. Seriously, he's always like that.

"Sir, we reached the right floor." Putting my phone back on my coat, we walked out of the elevator and headed towards the car. He opened the backseat and I entered. Secretary Lin walked towards the driver's seat and started the car.

On the way to university, I picked up the laptop lying on the back seat beside me and started working. Every minute counts and I hate wasting time. It will take almost 30 minutes to reach the university, so I can use that time to finish my work.

After 25 minutes, I managed to finish the report. Looking at the car's window, we were entering the university's gate already. Fewer people were roaming around the university as we headed towards the parking area. It must be because the majority are already at the ceremony venue.

"Where is it being held again?" I asked as I looked at my watch. 'Just right in time'

Secretary Lin parked the car slowly and turned off the engine. "It's being held in the theatre hall near the Music Department building, sir. I already sent the program list in your email a while ago."

I nodded my head and walked out of the car. Secretary Lin then followed and, together, we walked towards the theatre hall. Our family has owned this university for so many years already. My grandfather built it because of my grandmother.

My mom used to tell me before the story behind this university. According to her, my paternal grandmother loved teaching so much. She liked educating and talking to students, especially kids and toddlers. However, because of their family, his grandmother couldn't achieve this dream.

His grandmother's family was one of the wealthiest families before and it was a culture to them that women were not allowed to work. They have to stay at home and take care of the whole family. Because of this upbringing, his grandmother forgot about this dream and learned the different proper manners and etiquette instead.

Soon later, his grandfather and grandmother got married and eventually fell in love with each other despite it being an arranged one. Grandfather learned the hidden dream of my grandmother so he built this university for her. This university was just built for the sake of my grandmother's broken dream, but my grandmother managed to develop it to this extent.

Even if she has passed away already, this university remains. According to grandfather, this will serve as the memory of his beloved. It was quite romantic for grandfather, but I think it's because of true love. It's the same love my father had for my mother. That's why I vowed that I would only marry the woman I love.

As we walked across the road, I suddenly heard a woman's voice that was so familiar to me. "I have no choice. The Chairman is coming, so everyone needs to attend. By the way, do you need me to fetch you there? I know you will drink a lot since you're in a bar."

It's that lady's voice that I've been looking for for so many years already. I frantically walked in the direction where I heard that voice. "Sir! Sir Alexander! That's not the way to the theatre hall. The ceremony is about to start!" I felt Secretary Lin's presence following me.

"Delay them. I need to go somewhere." Without waiting for his reply, I ran away from him. He tried to catch up but gave up in the end. I glanced around the area and looked for that person.

"Bye Monique". After that, her voice faded. As I looked around the place, I realized that I was in the Business Administration Building. 'Is she a student here? Or perhaps a staff?'

I checked everywhere and noticed that no one was there. With huffing breath, I placed my hand on my waist and looked around again. 'I'm sure there was someone here. My hearing can't be wrong. It's her voice.' I was about to search again when Secretary Lin suddenly came. He must have been running so hard as I looked at his slightly disheveled hair and his fast breathing. "Sir, why did you run? Are you looking for someone?"

Shaking my head, I adjusted my necktie and my disarranged suit. It must have been caused by running a while ago. When everything was in proper order, I looked at Secretary Lin who was still adjusting his breathing. "Let's go."

The ceremony was already starting when we reached the theatre hall. Secretary Lin guided me towards the waiting room and prepared a bottle of water for me. "I called the Principal earlier and moved your speech to the middle of the ceremony." I nodded and Secretary Lin went inside the hall to look for the Principal.

I waited inside and drank a mouthful of water from the bottle. My thoughts went back to that voice I heard a while ago. I'm sure that it wasn't my hallucination who was playing a joke on me. It's her. I took out the necklace from my suit pocket and stared at it.

This was the necklace Secretary Lin handed to me on the day I woke up from that accident. And this is the only evidence that proves that it was real, she was real. After a moment of silence, the door opened and Secretary Lin, together with the Principal, entered.

The Principal walked towards me and I stood up. "It was nice meeting you, President Lu. Welcome to Capital University."

I nodded politely to him. "Thank you, Principal. I heard a lot of good things about you from grandfather."

He laughed and guided us towards the theatre hall. We took a seat in the VIP chair and looked at the stage in front. After a couple of minutes, the MC called the Principal for a speech. He introduced the history and achievements of the university for several years. Right after his speech, he introduced me.

Sounds of cheers and shouts coming from the audience. I remained stoic and expressionless as I walked towards the platform. When I reached the center stage, he handed me the microphone then left the stage.

Looking at the teaching staff in the front, something caught my attention instantly. At the far left corner of the audience's front seat, a woman is seated. But that's not what caught my attention, it was her amber eyes. They have the same color as that woman three years ago.

Before I could walk towards her, she suddenly stood up and walked out of the hall. I was about to follow her when I saw my grandfather's figure at the back of the hall. 'That old man lied again!' Without any other choice, I held the mic tighter and talked. "Good day everyone! I'm Alexander Lu, grandson of Chairman Alex Lu and the president of Lu Corporation. Chairman Lu had a very important event to attend so he asked me to represent him..."

Sounds of loud applause came right after I finished my speech. I walked down hurriedly and excused myself to the Principal. He looked puzzled but nodded his head. Secretary Lin followed when I walked out of the hall. "My grandfather is at the back of the hall. Tell him that I have a business meeting to attend tonight so I won't be able to keep him company."

He nodded and went back inside. Without further ado, I walked towards the corridor and looked for that woman. I'm not sure if it was the same woman, but that eye color is not so common. I only once saw that eye color and that was three years ago.

I looked and looked but I couldn't see that woman. I reached the university field and saw a car dashing out of the university gate. I managed to capture the plate number of that car and sent it to my private investigator.

Now, I'm sure it was her. From the look I saw in her eyes earlier, I'm sure she recognized me. She recognized me not because I'm well-known here in the city, but because she recognized me as someone she had seen before. The way she suddenly walked out of the room and the way she instantly left the university proves that I'm right.

'But what confuses me is that, why is she running away from me? If she recognized me and knew that I was President Alexander Lu, the most common action that she should have done was to approach me. But by the looks of it, she looked scared when she saw him. Why'