Chapter 11: Little Tigress

(Michael's POV)

Sitting across the big LED TV in front of me, currently looking for channels that might pique my interest. I'm lounging here in my apartment since I don't have many things to do at work.

Besides, it's the weekend anyway. Aside from current news trends and boring romance drama, nothing is really interesting, so it's best to turn it off. Suddenly, the doorbell rang in my apartment. 'I'm not expecting anyone today? Is it my parents? No way!'

I felt at ease to see that it was Alexander who was waiting outside, not my parents. I've been hiding from them for almost a year already. My family is from City A and I have 2 older brothers, which makes me the youngest in the family. My family has a very long history of doctors, even my older sister is a doctor herself.

Opening the door, Alexander immediately entered and walked towards the living room without even saying a proper greeting. "Hey! You should have at least greeted me before you entered!"

He looked back and raised his hand, "Oh, good morning." Then went ahead to sit down. I stared dumbfounded at his action. What can I say? It's Alexander we're talking about. He won't waste a chance in talking nonsense words such as greetings.

Alexander and I have been friends for 8 years already. Our first meeting happened in City A. I was studying medicine while he pursued his Master's Degree. We also had another friend in college but we have lost contact with him for many years now.

It was not easy for me to become his friend. I spent almost a year following and pestering him around until he finally decided to befriend me.

That sounded ridiculous, but that was him. The months I spent courting him to be my friend were much longer than the months I spent dating a woman. Nevertheless, it was worth it since I succeeded.

A lot of people were wondering why I chose to be his friend. Well, the simple answer is that he is not fake. Although he treated me coldly before, that was his real self. Unlike those people, I knew who were fake pretenders. They will praise you when you are high and they will mock you when you fall.

I slowly closed the door and walked towards the single-seater sofa. "What brings you here? It's rare for you to walk out of your office?"

Xander took the canned beer on the table and drank it. "I found her."

I looked at the screen on the TV and casually answered, "Found who?"

"The girl who saved me three years ago."

My eyes widened and looked at him instantly. "What? The girl you said with amber eyes?"

He nodded and leaned on the couch while staring at the ceiling. "I saw her at the university last Friday."

That made me stand up in great surprise. That's really shocking news. Ever since Alexander had that accident three years ago, he'd been looking for that girl since then. I even thought that it was just his hallucinations caused by the accident since he hadn't found her at all.

I bet that he had already searched the whole City A just to find her. It's in his nature. He is extremely persistent in doing things that he sets his mind off. If it is something that interests him, he will make sure to accomplish or own it whatever methods he has to use.

But that didn't come so easy, since it was really rare for him to be interested in something aside from work. So, when he told me about that girl, I was greatly surprised. Because, for the first time in history, he took interest in a girl.

"Wait…. Wait a minute. I thought she was from City A? How come you saw her here in Capital City? Are you sure that was her? You told me that you only saw her eyes. You might be mistaken, Xander. "

"I'm sure that was her. She recognized me that day."

Moving to the long couch, I sat eagerly near him. My curiosity is starting to spike up and this is big news. "So, did you two talk with each other? How did you know she recognized you? Is she pretty? What was her reaction when you two met?"

A frustrated groan left his mouth. He shook his head after that, and said in frustration, "No, she ran away right after she saw me."

My laughter burst and echoed through the whole room. I laughed so hard when I heard it. 'What? She ran away! Hahahaha! She ran away from The Great Alexander?! She's quite something!'

He glared at me, which made me forced to shut up. I tried so hard to stop the urge to laugh but failed. What can I say, it was hilarious. From the day I met him, a lot of girls flocked towards him, so it's really fun to know someone who resisted his charm. "Stop smiling Michael or else I'll throw you back at your parents' house."

That threat instantly made my smile fade. 'This annoying prick. He really doesn't give me a chance to tease him. He would always have a counterattack that always works.' I've been hiding from them and it was Alexander who made it possible.

I left home because they were forcing me to get married to a girl I had never met before. I'm against that arranged marriage thing and no matter how I reason with them, they won't listen at all.

I decided to leave home because of that one night. When that girl set me up and drugged me so that I would be forced to take responsibility and have our wedding proceed.

I thought it was all her idea but I was so wrong. It was my parents who gave her that medicine. How sick was that? I was lucky to escape because I didn't consume a big dose of that drug or else, their plan would be a success.

After I left home, Alexander heard about it and helped me to move here. I changed my course from medicine to business management right after. I don't really like studying medicine, it was just my parents' decision. But since they managed to do that to me, it's time for me to pursue what I like the most. And that is to have my own entertainment company.

"Don't joke around like that, Xander! You know how I hate to see them." He just shrugged at me. I cleared my throat and changed the subject. I'm afraid Xander would really do that if I didn't stop teasing him. "So, what now? What's your plan since you found that girl?"

"I didn't exactly find her, but I managed to find someone that is close to her. My private investigator managed to get the owner of the car. I took a picture of it and it was named after Monique Yang."

"So, is that her name? Monique Yang?"

"No, I managed to get her picture. She doesn't have amber eyes and I doubt she even knew how to do first-aid just based on her records. She's been a model for the past years, so she's not the one I was looking for." He showed me the picture of Monique Yang and my eyes widened.

'It's her. It's my little tigress!' I grabbed the picture from his hand and stared at it. Excitement filled my body as I looked at her pretty face. That face caught my attention from the very first time I saw her in the bar. "Her name is Monique Yang?"

I was on the second floor of the bar drinking alone when I saw her entering. She was wearing a long white fitted v-neck bodysuit paired with black fitted jeans. Her black hair was raised in a messy bun which accentuated her beautiful pearl-white neck. Although her outfit at that time was quite simple, it made her look sexy and stunning in my eyes.

Xander looked confused at my reaction but then nodded. "Yes, Monique Yang. Do you know her?"

A knowing smile flashed through my mouth. "Yes, I met her at the bar once."

I can still remember that time when I first saw her. It was a shock for me when she easily finished 3 bottles of beer. She's a heavy drinker and is totally amazing for a lady like her. When she easily grabbed that girl's hair, it made her look fierce, but yet, it added to her charm, which captivated my attention.

"The one driving her car on that day was the girl I saw at the university. So, I'm guessing they knew each other. I'm still waiting for the report about the people around her. But I'm sure I'll be getting that report real soon."

I didn't hear the rest of what he was saying. My mind was filled with thoughts of my little tigress. 'Look at how small the world my little tigress is. Looks like we will be meeting each other again really soon, Monique Yang.'