The coup

"All who follow her, is my enemy" Naledi said lifting the pistol to Quintin's head, he held his arms up.

"But! I don't even know whats going on!! You're not telling me anything!?"

"As I said, you must find out for yourself, but I've changed my mind, if you're going to be one of her pawns! Rather die now!" Naledi yelled and squeezed the trigger, the weapon 'clicked' and Quintin flinched.

"What!?" She thought maybe it wasn't loaded, Naledi hacked the rear sites against her waist and racked it down, now! It should be loaded! She lifted again and fired, but 'click'

The three soldiers who were quiet this whole time burst out with laughter.

"Oh the drama!" Frits said japping.

"You really think we'd give a drunk kid a loaded weapon?" Koos asked "I saw you aim that weapon at me this morning inside the Ratel, we took those bullets out when this Quintin started pretending to be a wild west gunman inside that Ratel last night already"