Own plans

Frits racked his R1 rifle and fired a line in the floor past Ezbar, making him flinch at the spattering tiles and backed away from it, Koos also racked and fired past Quintin's feet, he backed up and collided with Ezbar.

Naledi ran to an open door but Piet pumped his shotgun and shot a filing cabinet sending it flying sideways to block her escape.

She stopped turned and attempted to take Piet down, but he drew a leg back and kicked her to the ground, placing his boot between her breasts, pumping the shotgun again and aiming the still smoking barrel at her face.

"Easy now sexy, I don't want to blow away the rest of that pretty face"

Naledi watched the spent shotgun shell hit the ground, then furiously looked up at Piet "You fucking bastards!"

"Wha...! What's going on here!?" Ezbar yelled.

"Anyone move a little too quick to my liking! And we send you six feet under! Am I understood!?" Koos yelled.

"But! Why!?" Quintin yelled.