Sure way to kill one

"We want to know everything, starting with how to kill you fokkers" Koos said.

"How can you ask me that question? When you know how Naledi's pack was killed?" Matt yelled.

"Yes, we killed off her pack, but I want more effective way, blowing them up with artillery is a little costly, and, destructive.

I want to know if there is a more, lenient way of putting you fokkers down?"

Matt chuckled "Like I'll ever tell you!" He barked and Koos shot both his kneecaps making him scream.

"Koos, this guy's head is slowly growing back" Frits said looking at Lennard.

"You're fokkin joking!?" Koos said coming over. To his astonishment he saw slowly but surely the bone, muscle and skin grew back.

Koos turned to Matt "Now isn't this interesting?"

Sitting down in front of Matt again he cut the leggings of his jumpsuit off with his knife and watched his knees, the bullet holes also slowly closed up, Koos smiled.