Test flight

Koos stepped out of the hangar door, two soldiers were waiting.

"Are they dealt with general?"

"Yes, call the men into the hangar quick, I need to speak to all of you"

Not long and all the soldiers of the small strategically placed base stood in front of him "What I'm about to tell you boys are strictly confidential! You all here in this hangar should keep this secret! Even to the rest of your superiors, think of it as national security, am I understood!?"

"Sir yes sir" The group replied.

"These two men were the enemy, they are from a terrorist organization known as the Anubis, the way you identify them is with their dark hair and blue eyes, their surnames are also all Anubis, it's like a little cult family group. So if you ever meet someone fitting that description, think of him or her as the enemy! Am I clear!?"

"Sir yes sir!"

"Good, only talk to me, Captain Frits, or Lieutenant Piet about this! No one else this is strictly classified!"