Not in this generation

"These wolves Blair created, were they all as powerful as she was?" Frits asked.

"To a degree" Naledi said.

"And what of Cleopatra? What was Cleopatra's role?" Koos asked.

"For those who has been given the power of a wolf and misuses it, Cleopatra was ordered to remove the wolf form through mummification, the person would be mummified as normal, only the brains won't be removed.

The Lunar black sand surrounds the body and slowly draws the venom out of the blood stream into the muscles, where it is then broken up into normal proteins, this process takes about two weeks, when the person wakes up from the mummification hibernation, he or she would be back to normal"

"A cure for werewolves?" Frits asked and Naledi nodded.

"Blair could figure there might be someone out there who would use the werewolf for the wrong reasons"

"Okay, so why did Cleopatra go awol? Why is she doing what she's doing?"

"I don't know, her own selfish needs I suppose"