Like rings in trees

Ezbar grunted shifting on his one leg "You have the audacity to ask me about that!?"

"Tell me the truth Ezbar, would you under any other circumstances have handed over those blueprints?" Koos asked chuckling.

Ezbar sighed "No, not really"

"My point was made, reason I'm phoning is we need to form a mutual alliance"

Ezbar sat down to relief his leg from the weight of his body "I'm listening"

"You see, we can't go guns blazing wherever we go, sometimes well need a more, how you say, fire with fire approach"

"I was wondering if that didn't cross your mind? You gun ho bastard! And by fire with fire you mean Quintin?"

"Yes, whenever we need him he must be available if possible. In return we'll be available whenever you need us, but lets get one thing straight, we don't work for each other, instead we work with each other"

"Very well, I can agree to that"