
"The werewolf venom needs time to change the body, otherwise the host won't survive, it prepares the body for that massive physical change.

Now if you say the same thing happens over five days as in a twenty four hour period, I take it the venom acts slower over the longer time, but, it still adapts the body first, before the moon.

It's a force of nature in a nutshell, animals can sense calamities coming from miles away, birds can sense winter coming.

The venom can adjust itself to the moon, so it only awakens the wolf when it's full...

So, now that I've explained that the venom prepares the body, it might add some bad news with the good news I have" Frits said.

"Which is?" Koos asked.

Frits sipped his beer again, turning to Naledi "How old are you?"

Her face shyed red "Very old, I lost count almost as old as Cleopatra"

"Yet you look to be in your early twenties"

"Yes, I told you already, I might not be classified as an Amarok, but I carry the same pro's, I don't age"