On Cleopatra's tail

Quintin sat watching the harbor in semi disbelief, little more than two weeks ago a bum on the streets, now in Ireland waiting to board a cruise ship.

It was Koos who phoned and told him if he wanted a shot at getting Cleopatra, this was it, he didn't tell Quintin how he knew, he just said that the ship will dock in Ireland, then make its way to America, and somewhere along the way Koos and his men will intercept the ship, and help take Cleopatra down.

For now, all Quintin had to do was stay low and board the ship.

Ezbar gave him some interesting reading material about the do's and dont's around a cruise ship, and already Quintin saw a few places he could use as traps if he ever needed to.

The deep horn alerted him of the arrival of the ship, it slowly entered the harbor, Quintin could see the small tugs aiding it along the way.

He took his satellite phone and rang Koos up.

"The ship arrived"