I'm allowed to forget

Koos stood with his hand on his brow, Frits saw him and came closer.

"Calm down, we can sort this"

"What's wrong Frits? He's just quiet, if Koos starts barking like a baboon that's when he's really angry" Naledi teased.

"Shush Naledi" Frits said glaring at her, then looked at Koos.

"Frits, do you sometimes wonder why we were placed on this earth?" Koos asked calmly.

"No, I rather say we were tossed into the mix"

"I feel at this stage we were made a fool of, not by our maker, but by our situation"

"Because we are human?" Frits asked.

"Uhh, yeah, because we are human, because we accidentally stumbled upon Naledi's tanks, and accidentally blew her pack to mince, now we're chin deep in this shit"

"Then let it go Koos!" Naledi said flying up "How many times must I say it!"