Her secrets in Russia

Quintin, Ezbar and Katja were celebrating when Ezbar's phone rang again making the man sigh.

"What's wrong doc?" Quintin asked.

"Every time Koos phones I cringe, thinking he might have found Cleopatra"

"Let me talk to him" Quintin said answering "Ezbar's laboratories" He mocked.


"Yes, the one and only, sorry Ezbar is busy"

"You seem to be in a happy mood?" Koos asked and Quintin looked at Katja.

"Well, I just found out I'm going to be a dad"

"That's great! Congratulations boet!"

"Thanks, so what's up? You're not screaming so I guess you haven't found Cleopatra?"

"No, were going to Russia for a bit, and we thought since Katja is from there you two might want to join?"

He looked at Katja "Why Russia?"

"We're, well, we're looking for a plane, a big one"

"A big plane? And you'll find that in Russia because?"

Both Koos and Katja answered on both sides "The Antonov"
