Armed men

Koos turned forward and scanned, he saw a restaurant "Piet! Stop there by that restaurant over there, I'm fokkin hungry right now!"

Piet found a parking and pulled over, Frits watched Katja's reaction, she seemed not to like this idea.

"Okay gents" Koos said in Afrikaans "Look for any wandering eyes, any suspicions, if you see something you let me know"

"What's going on?" Katja asked in a slight panic.

"Sorry Katja, were going for a bite to eat quick" Koos said hopping out, she at first was reluctant to move but climbed out as well, Quintin was completely with Koos on this, he was going to find this fear Katja has and wipe it off the face of the planet, even if he has to go sabertooth to do it. She looked at him and he threw her a smile.

"So? Anything look familiar here?" She looked around, he knew she was probably scanning for her father's men.

"Yeah, it hasn't changed much, it always looks prettier in the snow"