Drive like a demon

"Okay boys, time to have some..."

Koos couldn't finish his sentence when a gun barrel came around the corner but Piet grabbed the muzzle and lifted it, tugging the gripping man in towards them, he fired a few shots but Koos and Frits shot him with the pistols and he went down.

"Peh! Didn't see that coming did ja Fokker!?" Piet screamed.

"Nice one Piet" Koos said holding the AK to Frits "Sharpshoot, go to single shot, make them count"

Frits nodded handing Piet the pistol and taking the AK, he switched to single shot and knelt next to the corner.

"Hey! Fokkers!"

"Our beef is with the girl! Leave and live!" One man yelled, Frits took a peek around the corner, they all were hiding behind car doors, all had AK's levelled.

"About ten of them Koos, heavy"

"Okay, rather switch to full auto, comb them down"

"Copy" Frits said switching.