Escaping prison

Koos opened his eyes and groaned, the snow already covered him so he slapped at it.

"Sound off" He grunted "Sound off!"

"Ugh, fok, I'm okay" Frits said.

"Still in one piece" Piet said.

"Quintin!? Katja!?" He heard nothing and got up as quick as his sore body allowed.

"Frikkie!? Katja!?" He screamed going over to the wreck of the Jeep "Fok! You two better not be dead in there!?" He bent over, it was empty.

"Scan boys! They're not in here!"

"Freeze!" They heard someone scream.

A police officer came at them weapon pointed, left of him another one.

"Oh fok" Piet said.

"I said freeze! Don't move!" He screamed when Koos attempted to look in the snow for Katja and Quintin.

"Okay okay" He said lifting his hands.

"On the ground!"

Koos could hear this man's English was bad, he Frits and Piet went to their knees.

"Now what Koos?" Frits asked.

"Hands behind your heads!"

They obeyed.