Lion attack

When a lion attacks a human there usually isn't any competition, it's quick, especially when the guy didn't expect the attack.

A lion has full advantage over a human in all ways, claws, fangs, strength and weight on it's side. When a two hundred kilogram male lion tackles a man from behind, it will most certainly be a spinal injury, even a broken neck.

Detective Phillip Cronje lit up a cigarette and blew the smoke slowly into the air, then looked down at the dark patch in the dust, a waist thick line of blood was seen leading from this main spot and disappears into the bush. Phillip flipped a ranger boot upright, inside the foot of Doctor Clarkson still remained, eaten off by the lion.

He shook his head, Clarkson was a veteran wildlife vet and his death could have been avoided.

To Phillip's right stood Dan, an American boy who studied wildlife and decided to become a game ranger here in the Kruger national park.