
Suzette sat feeling the pulse of the large cat next to her, it had a steady beat and wasn't breathing too fast, despite the hot day they sat in.

"Howzit look?" Her assistant Mbedzi asked.

"She's fine, and it seems the cub will be too" Suzette said starting to pack up her equipment "How long since we tranked her?"

"Bout twenty minutes" Mbedzi said taking some of the medical bags to the pickup.

"That gives us five" Suzette said slowly rising to her feet.

In normal circumstances they would use an injection that countered the tranquilizers, but this time they used a small amount as not to harm the leopard's cub, and that amount was enough to just leave her to wake by herself.

"Got the blood samples?" She asked coming over and joined Mbedzi on the back of the pickup so they could watch the animal.

"It's in the bag, back seat" he replied wiping the sweat off his bald head "Geezus it's hot"