
Phillip extended a friendly hand and Simmons shook it "I heard you want to sponsor the trip to Alaska?"

"Yes, I, said I would" the bristled hair man answered.

"That's kind of you, my dad is currently there and he wanted me to come visit, Suzette obviously agreed to come with, and sure, you can come as well" Phillip shrugged "Me and Suzette never get off, I can't imagine someone in your position, you must be begging for a vacation?"

"Yeah, you could say that" he said nodding at Suzette, Phillip could see he wasn't impressed but kept his smile going.

"Okay then, let's hop in, we have a long way to go" Phillip said.

Suzette went to get her bags whilst Simmons loaded his. Noticing the bags Phillip could deduce either he always kept a bag packed and ready to go, or he already packed it when Natalie phoned him earlier, what a nuance.