Curse of a coward

Phillip stopped in front of Benson's cabin and climbed out. Benson and Suzette reluctantly followed still in shock of what happened.

"Hey!? Why didn't you guys wake me this morning!?" Simmons yelled coming out of the cabin.

"Not now Simmons!" Suzette said.

The man saw her face, then Benson, Phillip was kneeling in front of the Jeep, on the bull bar sat the black fluid smeered by the wind, it had a bloody awful smell, he dipped his finger in it then felt it with his thumb, it wasn't oily, but it was thick.

Benson came around but held his nose for the smell. Suzette held her mouth and gagged.

"What the fuck is it?" Benson asked.

Phillip reached past the bull bar and grabbed something in the grill, he yanked it out, it was sickle shaped, the one end of it had a black yellow like tissue on, the other end bare, it was light in weight.

"Is that what I think it is?" Suzette asked.

"It's a rib bone, from that wolf we hit" Phillip said.