Regret comes too late

"Don't be stupid I don't care if you're fucking superman! Going back there is suicide!" Benson yelled.

"He's right" Suzette begged "Please don't go again"

Phillip sighed "Fine, I'll get some help"

"I don't think those park rangers will help us again" Benson said.

"I don't plan on asking them" He said taking his phone out and dialled Koos up.

"Hey uncle Koos, tell me you're still around?"

"Uh, yeah, but we're kind of in the middle of something"


"What's wrong?"

"No I just needed some extra man power"

"I can still organise that for you, give me ten minutes"


Ten minutes later Koos phoned back.

"Okay boet, there will be three Russian guys coming over to help you, it better be worth it, we had to pay them a lot of fokkin money"

"Thanks Koos"

Half an hour later the knock came on the door. Phillip opened the door allowing the three men to enter.

"You Phillip?" The one asked.