Never leave this room alive

'Oh~ how you have such a hold on him' The voice spoke, from the hard shadows of the fire in the room the two violet eyes appeared.

'I felt his hatred for himself, as he realized he shot you...' She came out of the shadow and strolled slowly and confidently to the bed.

'But, now you as beautiful and innocent as you are, you're in the way, I have never met, a man with quite the iron mentally solid will as your beloved... And I have, to have him'

She came in next to the bed and streeled over the wounded arm.

'In exchange you will be made whole, but you will never be with him, again'

The violet eyed woman bent over and kissed Suzette on her lips.

'Not soon, but not later, you will stand up from this, when I need you the most, my pretty blue eyes'


Phillip came down the steps into the living room, Benson still sat with the rifle on his lap.

"Will you keep an eye on Suzette for a little while?" Phillip asked.