
"It was so bad in fact that the wolves became like humans! They sank to your level, so Blair went away and when she returns she will purge this world of evil" Aesir said.

Koos looked at Frits, then removed his sunglasses, rubbing his eyes. Piet gave a snort, then Frits, but this triggered the domino effect and the three men burst out with laughter.

"It's not funny!"

"It is! It fokkin is! Now because of your mistakes man kind will suffer as well!?" Koos screamed.

Her face didn't change "Yes, everything bad, swooped up in one clean scoop, done and dusted"

"Frits!" Koos screamed reaching for the back door where she sat.

"What are you doing?" She asked seeing Frits unbuckle her seatbelt.