Kishra's fear

"So let me tell you another thing about werewolves, just as we have the laws, we have rules as well, and those rules only account when it comes to warfare, we are not allowed to join human militaries, for two reasons" Asena said deciding since they already know so much, might as well inform them of anything they can use.

"One because its a tight knit unit where you don't get time to move away during a full moon, and two because it's unfair towards humans since we have supernatural strength and speed"

They sat around a fire on a new campsite for the night, the tree men listening to her closely.

"Unfair? You're not invincible, it would be an advantage to have a couple of werewolves in a military unit" Koos said.

"Yes... You would have the advantage, not your enemies"

"So? Say you managed to succeed in getting humans and wolves to coexist peacefully, will those rules have fallen out?" Frits asked.