Chapter Two: Black and white

"There was only black, and white, the rest of the world was left in the grey..."

The meeting waited for finally arrived, Cleopatra slowly descended the steps into the large hall kept dark, no technology ran through power cables here, the only light brought forth by torches flickering against the walls.

Wolves didn't need the light that much anyway, so the four figures waiting for her at the table didn't need to be lit up, she saw and knew who they all were.

"One, that's all we need... The parents are dug in deep into the idea of stopping me, I will never be able to convince them" Cleopatra said sitting down.

"How would we know which one is best?" A long haired woman answered, her bright neon green eyes shining like lights lit by some magic, but her face shrouded in a cloak of smoke, her name hidden by folklore, here around this table she's simply known as Raven.