Who's hunting who?

"Seth's name isn't coming up anywere" Frits said after a quick search.

"Try the police database, a fokker like him is bound to have made a mistake somewhere" Koos said getting beers out of the fridge.

"Bingo, look here, the fokker is on a wanted list, twenty K for info that leads to his arrest"

"What's he done to get him on a wanted list?"

"Lets see here, illegal street racing, weapons smuggling, drug smuggling, sexual assault, and look here, murder, but the list of his victims are a bit suspicious"

Koos came over to Frits handing him his beer then looked at the screen. All Seth's victims are young, and all had white hair.

"Hm–" Koos grunted.

"I don't think Luna was totally honest with us, why does it look like Seth is targeting her clan?" Frits said.

"Fok knows, check up on info about his street racing, snuffel around there for a bit, I bet you we can get some information about his werabouts there"