Lets take you to your mother

"Piet, go to the Hilux and prepare the med kit, that poor girl was severely beaten" Koos said as Frits entered the cabin, he took the satellite phone out and dialed Luna's number.

Kara heard it go silent, she opened her eyes and saw the blood spatter on the wall, then saw outside the huge fire burning, but no more noise. Another soldier came in and covered her with a blanket, took her jeans and picked her up.

"Come, lets take you to your mother Kara"

Kara looked over Frits' shoulder as they walked out the cabin, she saw the fire, and the bodies burning inside it.

"Don't look" Koos said next to her, she averted her eyes, somehow listening to this soldier became the best thing she ever felt doing, she could feel how he wanted to keep her from harm's way, even if it was the sight of something she wouldn't like.