Backstabbing cop

When the three men came back to Silvia they saw she was fast asleep, Piet chuckled.

"Watch this boys, I knew I should have brought this bottle of water" He said opening it and squirted her in her face making her gasp waking up.

"You fucker!"

"Had a nice nap officer?" Koos asked laughing.

"I take it you found the girl since you're not aiming a gun at my face"

"Yes, we did, good for you right?"

"Yes, now let me go already!"

"No, not yet" Koos said sitting down "I want to know what took you so long with Seth? He's obviously a murderous bastard, you should have seen how he beat that girl up"

She hung her head "I told you, I need to catch him in the act"

Koos lit a cigarette and grunted "Is he game?"

"Uh? Game?"

"You know why they call animals in a wildlife reserve game right?"

"No? What the Hell does this have to do with anything?"