What about her?

Later that day Derrick sat at a table eating his lunch during break, scanning around to make sure that Damien or Jason doesn't find him again.

"You seem agitated" Kisara said sitting down in front of him, her silver grey eyes sat nicely under her thick fringe that almost closed her gaze.

"Yeah those Browning brothers cornered me again this morning"

"Why don't you just beat the shit out of them again?" She asked taking her lunch out.

They have been friends for almost a year now, nothing romantic sparked between them, but they did get along as friends very well.

"Pff, I'm not in the mood for detention again"

She giggled "Well, one day they will corner you at the wrong time, and then your anxiety pills won't stay your fists, I just hope I'm there to record that"

Derrick smirked "Speaking of which" He took the pillbox out and took one.

"Aw~ I was hoping you'd forget taking it"

"Why do you want me to fight so badly?"