I saw you first

Later that afternoon Derrick opened his eyes, the nurse turned to him from her desk.

"Ah, you're awake"

"Wh... what happened?" He said feeling lightheaded.

"How much of these did you consume?" The nurse asked holding up his pillbox up.

"Um, about, five"

"Five!? There are instructions on these for a reason, only two max per hour if needed, listen to me, if needed, you can't just pop these like sweets you know?"

"I'm sorry miss, it won't happen again"

"Good boy, your bag is there, take care now okay?"


He looked at his watch and saw it was already the end of the school day. So he walked out to his left to use the back door of the reception office, it was the quickest way to the main gate.

As he came out he heard someone talking loudly and turned back. Jennifer and Lucy, sisters to Jason and Damien was cornering Shakira who stood hiding behind her hands.