The sabers exist

Luna blinked trying to comprehend what just happened, then the black beast lifted its head and she saw the saber canines, the silver eyes.

"Long time no see Luna" It said giving her half a smile.

"Quintin?" She asked shocked.

He tried standing, but there just wasn't enough room, so he remained crouched.

"It seems Kara has became quite the wolf if she managed to kick you down?"

Luna breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Shakira, who's eyes were fixated on Quintin and doubled as petrified.

"Shakira" Luna said and she slowly looked at her.

"I'd like you to meet my friend, his name is Quintin Trueno"

Shakira slacked a little but still looked at him.

"I'm not going to hurt you little wolf" He said and adjusted his position a little "Shouldn't pack houses be bigger?" Quintin asked.

"Not for us, it was never designed to fit a three and a half meter tall Saber" Luna said coming over to him.