The stray

She stood watching the street with her blue eyes, mystified and mysterious to any passing person, her dress as white as her hair and blowing in the soft wind.

She remembers everything that happened in her life, but now she doubts if that was her life, is this her life? Was she really standing here breathing air? Feeling nothing in her core it made her wonder if she really was still among the living.

She placed her hand on her chest, her skin warm, but she had no heartbeat, how? Is it really possible? She felt a tear come in her eye, was the nightmares she had actually something that really happened?

"Hi there sexy?" A man came in next to her, to her left another.

"What's a sexy wolf like you doing standing all alone?" The second one asked.

She turned to them, both wolves as well, so they weren't using 'wolf' just as a flirt.