The hunt begins

Seth sat patiently waiting, the moon was almost here.

The isolated jail cell he sat in was made of silver, and for some other reason couldn't be broken by a werewolf, but Seth had a different way of getting out, it was his trump card, a way he stayed ahead of the hunters and the Tuyuks.

Finally that feeling reached him, he shifted and grunted, changing into his wolf form trying to be quiet about it but remembered that these isolation cells are even soundproof.

He closed his eyes, earlier he got a look at the map inside one of the offices of the guards, and saw there were roughly ten of these special cells, Shiva was in the one next to him he then tensed and in a plume of smoke he was gone.

Shiva sat waiting, already shifted she despised her form; no muzzle, her size not even that great, all thanks to her stepfather.