He saved me

Derrick screamed as he fell down, the wolf followed him in head first, fangs bared, claws extended, he landed on his back and kicked himself deeper into the pipe avoiding her just in time.

"Fuuck–!" He yelled, his heart pounded his ribcage, this could mean the police would come. He checked his ankle bracelet but his heart rate read one fifty, it's still good.

Derrick then looked at the wolf, she was stuck now, and couldn't get herself back out the vertical pipe.

He sighed and aimed to crawl away, threat averted, he could now climb out safely, but then a sudden wind came blowing through the pipes, at first Derrick enjoyed the breeze, but the wolf behind him started to panic.

He looked at her, she was yelping, trying to push herself back up, but to no avail, then the smell of water came with the breeze, and Derrick knew whats going on.