Ripped from me

Kishra stood by the gas station next to the N1 highway drinking a soda, she just finished paying the gas attendant and was heading to her car when the roar of an engine made her stop and look, the Ratel came flying by at a mad speed, she knew it was Koos and his men, but if they were hauling ass like that it meant something bad was going on.

Kishra threw the half can of soda down and jumped into her car, she started and raced off after them.

Koos and Frits had their eyes glued to the monitor, it was a dead shame they couldn't get footage of what was happening there, all they could do was guess, the large two blips on the monitor had to be Cleopatra and Quintin, the slightly smaller one Katja, then the other three definitely the twins, and maybe Kisara.

"Why would Quintin drag his whole fokkin family into this!?" Frits asked.

"Fok knows... Faster Piet!" Koos yelled.

"My fokkin boot is bending the floor well of this thing! I can't plant it harder!"