They were family

Shakira sat trembling, holding her hands to her chin, she didn't ever except things to go this far south, she looked over at Guinevere who has balled her naked body up holding her knees, tears streamed down her cheeks as she blankly stared at her dead family.

Kisara was still in her werewolf form, but she struggled to even stand.

"Oh dear me, the last three, you poor girls" Cleopatra said appearing in the middle of the floor out a cloud of smoke.

Kisara wobbled to her feet and sprung her claws "Back off!"

"Kisara... Kisara... Such a beautiful name, you know since your mother is part of my pack, you belong to my pack as well, naturally"

"Grandmother, from what I've seen tonight, I'd rather be in Luna's pack! You're evil!" Kisara yelled and gave a glance back at Shakira, she then swiftly wove her foot back and lightly kicked Shakira so she could slide until she was against Guinevere, then Kisara placed her body in front of them again.